Icy floating head

Some Quotations (February 23, 2011)

#Setting Tag is a good habit 1. When men have cigarettes and wine, they have stories; When a woman has money and beauty, she has tragedy. 2. You should have courage to lower your head and confidence to raise your head

 Icy floating head

[True · Fragmentary Thoughts] 2021/04/26~2021/05/02

#Setting Tag is a good habit 2021-04-29 12:06 Git & VSCode · It seems that GIT 1.7.1 has been installed. Code is very suitable for GIT&gt= 2...

 Icy floating head

"2022-05" of the right click menu bar tool of "Illustration"

#Setting Tag is a good habit Will prepare various pictures to express some preparation, however

 Icy floating head

Say to make "unable to complain" a sub column?

#Setting Tag is a good habit 2020-09-25: Before, many articles were directly classified as "miscellaneous, skillful, and miscellaneous." Today, a classification of "going to the story of things" was broken down, which means "the past that cannot be recovered". However, the criteria for which articles should be moved to the past are not very clear.. Also, when I wrote this article, I was still using the Pinyin alias plug-in

 Icy floating head

Sort out the dropped articles in the travel notes of immortals on the mobile phone page

#Setting Tag is a good habit 88% of the plot settings are similar to those of Xianyu, the equipment and drug names are 99% more similar.. Well, the above is pure complaint.. I started to write this article at the level of 40, so if I didn't find much of the previous task items, I will leave a message below, as to whether I can remember...... I just found a rule.. If a monster is equipped with a 26 level weapon, it may be a 30 level weapon of the same type

 Icy floating head

"Zaqiao Zaba" tomato working method and tomato clock for Chrome

#Setting Tag is a good habit From time to time, I see various tomato clock APP and software recommendations.. However, I don't know anything about it. Today, I saw a Chrome plug-in version in RSS:

 Icy floating head

[Little thing] The Sogou account I use now is still the one I registered in the past?

#Setting Tag is a good habit Sogou Wubi has been basically in use all the time. At the earliest, Sohu Email and Sogou Email can be logged in, but they can't log in for some time, and then add QQ login.. Then today I thought about going to the "Sogou webmaster platform" to have a look. However, after using QQ to log in to the "Sogou Pass", I found that there was no email binding.. Then I searched it and found that Sogou Email had stopped its service in 2015

 Icy floating head

The comment on "Panther" that "Speak" doesn't know whether to send it or not

#Setting Tag is a good habit I found it when I was sorting out computer files. I wanted to discuss it, but I forgot to send it.. I searched but couldn't find... As of 16:44:4 on July 16, 2018, there were 1838 answers to this question, which means that my procrastination has at least defeated this number of people/ doge。。。...

 Icy floating head

[True · Fragmentary Thoughts] 2021/05/31~2021/06/06

#Setting Tag is a good habit At 10:15 on June 1, 2021, you will find that it is a bit silly to use Chinese spelling as the URL in those days

 Icy floating head

[True · Fragmentary Thoughts] 2021/07/05~2021/07/11

#Setting Tag is a good habit 2021-07-06 10:50 # Bookmark https://www.fang1688.cn/study-code/103.html https://picsum.photos/ Random Picture API

 Icy floating head

"Yanshuo" wrote a little "big" code

#Setting Tag is a good habit I find that I have never liked to write very complicated functions. Most of my works are "small code", which is small in the original sense

 Icy floating head

[True · Fragmentary Thoughts] 2021/06/07~2021/06/13

#Setting Tag is a good habit 2021-06-08 10:14 At home, an old mouse is better than a gift

 Icy floating head

[True · Fragmentary Thoughts] 2021/06/21~2021/06/27

#Setting Tag is a good habit What does the mysterious string 2021-06-22 11:50 mean? zqxjuAaoYnUufB...

 Icy floating head

[True · Fragmentary Thoughts] 2021/05/17~2021/05/23

#Setting Tag is a good habit 2021-05-17 10:08 diySth | DIY Something - Z-Blog Application Center https://app.zblogcn.com/?id=1961...

 Icy floating head

So I don't know SEO very well

#Setting Tag is a good habit I don't even remember whether there was any article published under the TAG of "SEO", at least now this is the first article

 Icy floating head

[True · Fragmentary Thoughts] 2021/06/28~2021/07/04

#Setting Tag is a good habit 2021-06-29 13:38 "I am very likely to be able to solve the problem you actually face, but" the question you ask "is often another problem." ← This is my signature on a forum. I am really good at web related questions, but I have been puzzled by "how to answer a question of" how to achieve XXX? "Sentence pattern

 Icy floating head

[True · Fragmentary Thoughts] 2021/05/03~2021/05/09

#Setting Tag is a good habit At 09:27 on May 2, 2021, the project posted on GitHub could not be searched by Bing, and it was also found that it was uploaded to CSDN. The posting of v2ex is included.. 2021-05-02 22:09 The living room chassis connected to the TV can never be automatically restarted or shut down normally, and the power must be cut off once to restart

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Old articles of this week

How about I summarize and sort it out once a year?? Broken rain collection_set ice and floating water _ Page 1

Therefore, without this message, only 13 beeps will be sent in 2024????

When the git operation in VSCode is stuck, it's always a pain point that you can't cancel it on your own initiative. Generally, it's push or pull. Today, even submission is stuck..

Another summer passed, so I didn't buy waterproof shoe covers this year; Then it was cold. I bought a sleeping bag in order to kick the quilt. I don't know if it would be slightly narrow at 1.2 meters..

Cleo at 5:00 to 7:00, added to the list in June 2018, and found it online at station B at the end of November 21. It was watched twice until the last few days.. The next five items are from 2019, all of which are movies - slightly longer to-do lists..

Useful programs automatically grab their own beeps with tags, and then delete them from the online after annual backup; I just found that last year's data was backed up but not deleted online?? Compared with the local data, there is still one online data, Why??

In essence, everyone needs the ability to "solve the problems they face"..

This also involves direct ability and indirect ability. It is normal to lack direct ability. You can master direct ability through learning, or "ask" people with direct ability to help you..

The lack of indirect ability is really hopeless, especially for those who do not have a clear understanding of the premise that "this is the problem facing my own"..

In fact, in the cognitive sense, when I am anxious, I know that this emotion corresponds to the grammatical word "anxiety", in addition to "depression", "sadness" and so on. However, "depression" is actually a word outside my cognitive system. Although I often cannot find the corresponding words to express some emotions, I can only express them as "I cannot find the corresponding words to express them" Some feelings of..

So, where can I ask for help for the problems I face?

Daily need to fight against not wanting to do..

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