This subtitle group is lazy, "unable to complain"

Pitching/feedback/suggestions: My salted fish heart    Aigeng - @ wdssmq

It's too lazy. If you add more "-", you will die..


If it is a pure dream and you know you are dreaming, it is possible to control yourself to wake up, or switch scenes (dream in dream?)...

Nightmare, commonly known as ghost pressing the bed, also wants to wake up because of fear, but at this time, it is not clear whether it is a dream or reality, and cognition and courage have been "modified" ①.. Only when you wake up can you figure out whether it is a dream... It is this long process of struggling to "wake up" that torments people..

In fact, I thought of a more conventional title for this article, but I seem to have forgotten, and I will use the adjective "conventional" because I found that the string of characters I came up with when recalling is very conventional.. Although I'm not sure if it's the one I first thought of...


Three horizontal comparisons? ②.. Yes and no... I mean what that "clich é" title represents.. But it seems that it is the role of this layer that makes me write down the third "make up for the number" thing.. ha-ha.....

I still can't express it more directly..


In fact, with the depth that can be reached now, and in line with the topic of "dreams", the third item above can be this sentence: "I don't like this' dream ', but this is already a reality".. As you can see.. I didn't put it in...

November 18, 2010:

Among them, one of the most disliked things is that someone always gives me the feeling you bring me at this moment..

I always hope to express my ideas accurately.. But all the feedback from the outside world, including you, tells me that this is impossible, and I will always fail..

So a few months ago I decided to give up.. The only thing you can do is try not to touch it..

Is to escape, but also to protect themselves..



① It's like cheating in computer games, so what happens at this time should be called hallucination..

② If dreams are layered, they should be vertical..

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Title:《 This subtitle group is lazy, "unable to complain" 》Author: Ice sinking and floating water
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