"Triumph" attempts to become the UP master of Z-BlogPHP zone

Pitching/feedback/suggestions: My salted fish heart    Aigeng - @ wdssmq

Video tone is slightly strange;

The small red dot controls the moving track of the mouse;

And, indeed, you should use the keyboard more..

The project involved is:

Wdssmq/snippets: Z-Blog editor code prompt fragment:


The screen recording software originally found a Captura, but after a careful look, it was found that it was not maintained;

Official website: https://mathewsachin.github.io/Captura/

Introduction: https://www.appinn.com/captura/ "Captura - screen recording tool with keyboard and key recording, supporting live broadcast [Windows] - niche software"

Then download FFmpeg and try it first, but an error is reported;

Download FFmpeg: https://ffmpeg.org/download.html

And sure enough, some files still need to be downloaded to VPS and then downloaded back.. I happened to see the following items, but it is necessary to change the permission control to put them on the public network:

Docker deployment aria2 | Web control+retrieval: https://github.com/wdssmq/aria2-web

 Love generating electricity

Title:《 "Triumph" attempts to become the UP master of Z-BlogPHP zone 》Author: Ice sinking and floating water
Original link: https://www.wdssmq.com/post/20220102004.html
Unless otherwise specified, it is original. Please specify if it is reproduced.

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Wdssmq/blog astro: a static blog based on Astro;

Essentially, when faced with a code problem, we need another person who is willing to devote energy to your problem and has the corresponding technical knowledge..

Next, it seems that the replacement of Resilio Sync with Synything is also a slightly larger project.. Orz

GoodSync gave away a one-year license last year, and then it actually used it; I was thinking about changing Synything when it was due, but the last few days I gave a reminder that I spent ¥ 381 to renew Orz for three years. There are still some differences between their positioning and posture.. Earlier, Resilio Sync and BCompare were used, but the former occupied too much memory, and the latter was not automatically synchronized..

2024, let's back up the Duet archive..

... An unknown niche style library+inline style hybrid writing is indeed a bit groovy, but it is absolutely positive that "learning has begun" and can continue..

After reading a lot of questions in the post bar, there is an illusion that many people have registered a post bar specifically to ask a question, and the question itself may or may not be answered effectively (related to the point of question and the specific posture). However, in any case, after that, there will be no more than after cancelling the account, as if you never have to learn the corresponding things..

Devil Doll

-They are studying whether you are a real adult or a child pretending to be an adult

-I've studied it for a long time myself

In Lego DC, (basically the Batman family, the youngest one will become the same no matter who feels the design --

So, just like Sister Xianglin, I need to "sign in" my emotional feelings every day, but there is no need for me to sign in like this

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