[Trick] GM_Script "Retrieve" the feed address in the feed

Pitching/feedback/suggestions: My salted fish heart    Aigeng - @ wdssmq

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Also, the mdlint plug-in requires a space between English and Chinese, so it is also slightly tangled;

Requirements description

When viewing subscribed items in Feedly, the address bar displays as follows:



The "feed address" part is transcoded, although it can be directly recognized by human flesh for shorter addresses. In addition, in the " ··· More settings You can also see the echo of the source address..

make complaints:
[Sure enough, from the beginning of the blog suggestion, the star people who "don't want to match pictures" didn't improve much even after they switched to "Markdown+free map bed";

[Feedly echo was added halfway after a long time..

However, for some problematic feeds, the following information will be prompted and you will not be given the option to view the source address:

 <div id="feedlyPageFX" class="container centered"> <h2 class="Heading Heading--h2"> Feed not found <div class="sub">Wrong feed URL or dead feed</div> </h2> </div>

As a "GM_Script" maniac, he really decided to solve this problem by himself and write an article;

Code implementation and explanation

  • In this way, the frequency of "retrieving" the feed is slightly lower, so it is better to set it to click trigger;
  • Because Feedly uses the front-end rendering mechanism, it indicates that the corresponding html does not exist in the Source Code View, that is, it belongs to the "future element", so the "listening event" needs to be set on the existing element node that will contain the "future element". In this case body#box
 <body id="box" class="home"> ………… </body>
  • Listen to events: click, press, and pop up. All are available here. The code uses mouseup
  • When an element with an error prompt is clicked, the following operations are performed:
    • Get the part of the feed from the current address;
    • decode;
    • Output to page;
  • ↑ The first two steps can be interchanged;
  • Used when outputting to page Element.insertAdjacentHTML - Web API interface reference | MDN , similar to the .append() method;
  • The specific output element should also be analyzed and tried, and then the existing style class should be used as appropriate;
 (function () { "use strict"; function $n(e) { return document.querySelector(e); } function $na(e) { return document.querySelectorAll(e); } function addEvent(element, evnt, funct) { return element.addEventListener(evnt, funct, false); } //Get back the feed address //Bind listening events to div # box addEvent($n("#box"), "mouseup", function (event) { //Output the element that triggers the event console.log(event.target); //Determine whether to execute the corresponding operation according to the content const elText = event.target.innerHTML; if ( // elText.indexOf("Feed not found") > -1 || ElText. indexOf ("Wrong feed URL")>- 1//Ensure that both lines in the prompt message can be triggered ) { //Internal output again to confirm that the judgment condition is correct console.log(event.target); //Get the decoded feed address const curUrl = ((url) => { return url.replace(" https://feedly.com/i/subscription/feed/ ", ""); })(decodeURIComponent(location.href)); //Output to page $n("#feedlyPageFX h2").insertAdjacentHTML( "beforeend", `<div class="sub">${curUrl}</div>` ); } }); })();


For the address of the complete script of self used Feedly, see:

 // ---------------------------- // @raw     https://github.com/wdssmq/userscript/tree/master/feedly // @raw     https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/381793 // ---------------------------- // @link    https://afdian.net/ @wdssmq // @link    https://github.com/wdssmq/userscript // @link    https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/users/6865-wdssmq // ----------------------------

Another related article: 20100222433

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Title:《 [Trick] GM_Script "Retrieve" the feed address in the feed 》Author: Ice sinking and floating water
Original link: https://www.wdssmq.com/post/20210305305.html
Unless otherwise specified, it is original. Please specify if it is reproduced.

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