"Triumph" GM_Script+CF Workers KV semi-automatic collection of B user contributions into RSS

Pitching/feedback/suggestions: My salted fish heart    Aigeng - @ wdssmq


Finally, I tried this way...

With the help of RSSHub to subscribe to B station user contributions and drama updates, the overall situation has been stable for several years, thinking that if anti climbing becomes more strict, simply use GM_Script It is implemented by directly fetching data from the browser to remote storage, and then it finally happens from 2023-12...

As a result, the code of the scheme described in this paper has been basically completed, but it can't run automatically after all, and the positioning is also different from the standard RSS requirements. Maybe we should study how to configure cookies for RSS Hub...


With regard to functional positioning, some up masters would like to see the historical contributions as well, but there will be a lot of them in total. They have adopted the scheme of paging based on time and item serial number, dividing the cycle by m days, and outputting a fixed number of n pieces of data in the current cycle. See the code for details...

Wdssmq/later url cf: use Cloudflare Workers KV storage service to collect web addresses and output them in RSS;


userscript/packages/later-url at main · wdssmq/userscript



Bilibili2RSS - add RSS update notification for any favorite "TV series" on B station [Web] - niche software


↑ The code at that time is not reserved

In 2017, I used PHP to write a tool for subscribing to the drama updates of Station B, and later learned that RSSHub exists;

RSSHub also needs to add a subscription to a reader for a specific drama at the earliest, so PR submitted a route of "user fan list";

Add: user fan tracking list by wdssmq · Pull Request # 2735 · DIYgod/RSSHub


↑ It is marked with "Strict anti climbing", but it is probably still usable?

Then I didn't really understand Github's PR/ISSUE search function.jpg

The problem with RSSHub is that the official website may be targeted for reverse crawling, and self built maintenance and update are troublesome, so the reverse generation method is used for multiple RSSHub instances;

Wdssmq/proxy_rsshub: Use GitHub Actions to reverse RSSHub+multi instance polling


↑ This may not comply with the terms of use of GitHub Actions, so it was disabled after a period of time..

Wdssmq/rsshub cf: Cloudflare Worker reverse generation RSSHub


↑ Originally, this scheme was relatively reliable, but Station B strengthened a wave of anti climbing...

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Title:《 "Triumph" GM_Script+CF Workers KV semi-automatic collection of B user contributions into RSS 》Author: Ice sinking and floating water
Original link: https://www.wdssmq.com/post/20120519803.html
Unless otherwise specified, it is original. Please specify if it is reproduced.

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