September 24, 2010 Cold Jokes Collection - Opening Remuneration

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September 24, 2010 Cold Jokes Collection - Opening Remuneration

1. A new roast duck shop was opened downstairs. On the day of opening, it said, "We will pay 20 yuan for each roast duck shop, 30 roast duck shops per day for seven days". Now the reward has passed and the price has returned to normal. I walked by this morning and saw the big sign saying "18 yuan each"

2. At the university graduation ceremony, there was a project where graduates teamed up to cross a bridge on the lake. With proud parents, relatives and friends, they scrambled to take photos or videos to catch this commemorative shot. In one such graduation ceremony, a photographer just blocked a photo location that had been selected by a parent when the bridge crossing ceremony was about to begin. "Would you please step aside? I spent 30000 dollars to get the chance to shoot this scene," said the parent.

3. Before giving a lecture to a freshman class, the teacher said, "I know that my speech may sometimes be dull, boring, or even boring. I also allow you to look at your watch impatiently during my lecture, but I will never tolerate you putting your watch on the table and pounding it hard to see if it stops?!!"

4. A Boeing 747 fell on the sea, and all the crew and passengers were killed. This is really a tragic event. The manager of a company was caught in a taxi jam and missed the flight, so a reporter from a TV station interviewed him. "You were lucky to miss the plane at that critical moment!" "TOEFL. But there's more luck!" "What else?" "My wife caught the plane."

5. Tom came to Sophia with a big bundle and got on the tram. "Your ticket is 3 points and your luggage is 6 points," said the conductor. Then Tom opened the bag and said, "John, come out. It's not worth while to treat you as a 'bag'."

 Love generating electricity

Title:《 September 24, 2010 Cold Jokes Collection - Opening Remuneration 》Author: Ice sinking and floating water
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Mm-hmm.. received..
Jokes don't need classification, only full text subscription
 Gathering interests Gathering interests Issued on 2010-09-25 11:47:14
Funny~I ordered it, you know
 crazy crazy Issued on 2010-09-24 20:47:05
These jokes are classic.
I'm hungry too..
Jokes don't need classification, only full text subscription
Jokes don't need classification, only full text subscription
 Awkward Awkward Issued on 2010-09-24 17:16:17
Speaking of roast duck, I'm hungry.
 Suitear Suitear Issued on 2010-09-24 16:49:36
The advertisement on the right is on!

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