Internet speed is too low [Dream Story]

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2022-06-12: So when was this article really written?


Last night, I dreamed about school again and repeated the scene many times in my dream:

Come out of the fourth grade classroom and go downstairs..

Then I tried to think where my bike was..

In fact, it was only in the second year of senior high school that I had to ride a bike to move to another school because of the expansion of the school. I had been walking to school before the second year of senior high school..

I never let go of my bike. Of course, I won't "think" where I put it..

The final result is to "see" a designated car..

Get on the bike and walk down the narrow, broken, long, sloping street in front of the school..

At the intersection of another road, cross the car and turn left.....

Home is on the west side of the road.. It's less than 500 meters from the intersection.. I have a poor sense of distance..

More than ten times.. Every time, the dream stops before I see the door....

 Love generating electricity

Title:《 Internet speed is too low [Dream Story] 》Author: Ice sinking and floating water
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 West West Issued on 2010-11-02 17:43:04
You have always been Superman! See the original text as follows:
You get on the designated car and go along the road in front of the school Go down.
Either your legs are long or your car has long legs! Any kind can see you as Superman.
I wanted to reply to you yesterday.. But the network began to smoke again... fifty-five thousand five hundred and fifty-five
Winter is coming, so cold...
 Small k Small k Published on 2010-10-29 21:22:52
Your home is really close to the school [F] Nothing_to_day [/F]
 Woody heartless Woody heartless Published on October 29, 2010 at 18:40:53
Mumu is coming.
 Scholar Scholar Issued on 2010-10-29 17:11:24
I thought you were a metaphor. The frequent disconnection of the network cable indicates that your dream is often disconnected
 Xiao Yi Xiao Yi Issued on 2010-10-29 15:10:30
Recently, my internet speed is fairly good
 hakil hakil Issued on October 29, 2010 at 14:48:21
Ha ha, it can be connected generally, especially during working hours!
 Ice sinking and floating water Ice sinking and floating water Issued on October 29, 2010 at 14:43:45
It seems that you are more humble.. I can always connect after I try here several times...
Winter is coming, so cold...
 hakil hakil Issued on October 29, 2010 at 14:40:11
ha-ha! It's similar to my family! I write articles in Internet cafes now [F] Nothing_to_say [/F] It's too expensive
Wood matters.. It's just that I've been offline while posting this article..
Winter is coming, so cold...
 Suitear Suitear Issued on 2010-10-29 12:44:43
 Suitear Suitear Issued on 2010-10-29 12:44:32
What does this article have to do with that title?
 david david Issued on 2010-10-29 11:58:03
It doesn't seem to have anything to do with internet speed. ha-ha..

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