Icy floating head

"I don't like this dream, but it is a reality" - there is no enough reason for me to like it, nor enough reason for me to leave, and I don't know what reason is enough, this is my persistence...

#Setting Tag is a good habit

 Icy floating head

Fear and interest are reflected in the same dream, but only fear really leads to the result that will lead to. The fear of falling down while riding a paraglider is really due to my reasons (although it should be said that it is a large kite). I want to play with my mobile phone, but I find that the mobile phone is broken or does not perform as expected.. Didn't open QQ when I woke up

#Setting Tag is a good habit

 Icy floating head

Rewrite and Redirect are two functions of the same web component.. The former is often used to realize the commonly known pseudo static, while the latter is 301;

For a PHP site, you can write rules to make index.asp open, which is also the home page. It also uses the rewriting function, but you can intuitively know that this usage is not pseudo static..

#Setting Tag is a good habit

 Icy floating head

It may also be my affectation that I always feel that the "home-made" attribute of phpstudy is too strong, and I am not born with a sense of "geek".


It is too complicated as a local environment..

As a formal environment, it is still too complicated [compare with LNMP (cross out)

To sum up, can beginners who need to use this tool really get started quickly instead of being confused directly after opening it?

In fact, geeks know EasyPHP at present, but the port number of this thing is always confusing..

#Setting Tag is a good habit

 Icy floating head

It is not "identification", nor so-called "understanding", but simply "recognition", "recognition that some people or things exist there";

#Setting Tag is a good habit

 Icy floating head

Compared with the fable of emptying the cup, Xiaobai's declaration has a paradox of "how to fill the cup with water when it is still empty".

——"I have an empty cup to hold water, but I'm too lazy to unscrew the lid..."

The above metaphor is somewhat exaggerated, but from the analysis, there is a "gap" between the questioner's own foundation and the problem he wants to solve, and he has a high probability of feeling the "gap", resulting in a certain amount of anxiety. However, as a response, he chose to put the "gap" and anxiety together in the immediate practical problem...

The simple question part can naturally be discussed and communicated. Please find your own way to fill in the "vacancy" part;

In fact, whether you are anxious is just my guess, but I am quite anxious to see such questions..

#Setting Tag is a good habit

 Icy floating head

"Neither joy nor sorrow is free" ← There are actually several short stories behind "Human Disqualification", this is the character line of one of them; However, there is also the freedom to express "neither joy nor sorrow is free"..

#Setting Tag is a good habit

 Icy floating head

Microsoft Edge added a "vertical tab" function, slightly confused.. However, it is found that the "source code view" can wrap..

#Setting Tag is a good habit

 Icy floating head

#Three body stage conjecture # Is it meaningful that the deterred do not know the existence of deterrence, or that deterrence can only be found by practical implementation—— In this way, we can say that MS is very appropriate to say that we often have that idea when we look at the primary school students of Death..

#Setting Tag is a good habit

 Icy floating head

I feel like a single player, three body star.. Just like the number of whale words at 52 Hz

#Setting Tag is a good habit

 Icy floating head

There should be two types of procrastination.. One is that there is no big difference between doing early and doing late, and the other is that there is no big difference between doing and not doing.. For example, we merged the previous fragmented ideas—— Say something _ ice sinking and floating water

#Setting Tag is a good habit

 Icy floating head

At home, people always use an electric kettle to boil tap water. Not long ago, one night before going to bed, they suddenly decided to boil another pot of water on the premise that there was still some water left. As a result, they woke up very early that night. It was still some time before dawn when they finished drinking the previous reserve. Then they sincerely congratulated themselves on their decision before going to bed...

After that, except once or twice, they all boiled water before going to bed..

So, at least in my concept, the antonym of regret is "OK", or more like the relationship between virus and vaccine...

However, if we look back on the "regret" emotions in other events in the past, can we find the corresponding "OK"?

#Setting Tag is a good habit

 Icy floating head

I can believe that you are a member of the creationism faction, but I can't do that, and I have no intention of convincing myself that you believe in creationism! So I can't convince myself what to believe. It's none of your business.

#Setting Tag is a good habit

 Icy floating head

Truman's situation is very bad, but even worse is not Truman.. Similarly, the protagonist in all these cases is not me.. This is also the worst..

#Setting Tag is a good habit

 Icy floating head

Try to be a real villain with a certain bottom line..

#Setting Tag is a good habit

 Icy floating head

It seems that it takes a lot of effort to reach the threshold of being helped, but who can help me in this process?

#Setting Tag is a good habit

 Icy floating head

Many problems can be solved, but I always wonder why we should spend energy to solve such problems, while others, in my opinion, can't be solved!

#Setting Tag is a good habit

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Wdssmq/blog astro: a static blog based on Astro;

Essentially, when faced with a code problem, we need another person who is willing to invest energy in your problem and has the corresponding technical knowledge..

Next, it seems that the replacement of Resilio Sync with Synything is also a slightly larger project.. Orz

GoodSync gave away a one-year license last year, and then it actually used it; I was thinking about changing Synything when it was due, but the last few days I gave a reminder that I spent ¥ 381 to renew Orz for three years. There are still some differences between their positioning and posture.. Earlier, Resilio Sync and BCompare were used, but the former occupied too much memory, and the latter was not automatically synchronized..

2024, let's back up the Duet archive..

... An unknown niche style library+inline style hybrid writing is indeed a bit groovy, but it is absolutely positive that "learning has begun" and can continue..

After reading a lot of questions in the post bar, there is an illusion that many people have registered a post bar specifically to ask a question, and the question itself may or may not be answered effectively (related to the point of question and the specific posture). However, in any case, after that, there will be no more than after cancelling the account, as if you never have to learn the corresponding things..

Devil Doll

-They are studying whether you are a real adult or a child pretending to be an adult

-I've studied it for a long time myself

In Lego DC, (basically the Batman family, the youngest one will become the same no matter who feels the design --

So, just like Sister Xianglin, I need to "sign in" my emotional feelings every day, but there is no need for me to sign in like this

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