Icy floating head

[Dream Story] September 25, 2020

#Setting Tag is a good habit It was written in OneNote and then copied

 Icy floating head

"Transfer" neutron star threads

#Setting Tag is a good habit 2019-06-23: It was written in OneNote a little while ago. With the mentality of getting it done as soon as possible, I chose the words that flashed by and were inexplicable as the title

 Icy floating head

Information potential energy in "nonsense" interpersonal relationships

#Setting Tag is a good habit Explanation of terms (although it may differ greatly from the actual definition): In physics, under the condition that the initial state and conditions are consistent, objects will produce state changes or displacements that can be summarized and then expected.. For example, you may have been hit in the face by a mobile phone/ doge...

 Icy floating head

Hope, should, can "feel powerless to complain"

#Setting Tag is a good habit There is always a gap between hope and reality. If you suddenly start to care about time at dawn, but this care is not enough to fight against sleepiness, there will be only cups in the morning before you really wake up

 Icy floating head

Say to make "unable to complain" a sub column?

#Setting Tag is a good habit 2020-09-25: Before, many articles were directly classified as "miscellaneous, skillful, and miscellaneous." Today, a classification of "going to the story of things" was broken down, which means "the past that cannot be recovered". However, the criteria for which articles should be moved to the past are not very clear.. Also, when I wrote this article, I was still using the Pinyin alias plug-in

 Icy floating head

Xue Dinge's fragmented thoughts "unable to complain"

#Setting Tag is a good habit I don't know how many children's shoes have heard the saying that "corporal punishment is not the purpose, but the purpose is to let you study hard"... And I also think, if you want to express your dissatisfaction with a person deeply, the best way is to stab him with a knife, and then say that stabbing is not the purpose, but the purpose is to express the ultimate dissatisfaction

 Icy floating head

Skip is nothing

#Setting Tag is a good habit Although it is a little less, it can still produce some technical articles from time to time. (As I said, I still can't remember the five strokes of the word temporarily) Skap is in Icelandic, because there is an ice word, so I chose it. But if I translate it back, Google will translate it into "cabinet", Baidu will translate it into "creation", which is very suitable for today's deep feelings

 Icy floating head

Forgot the fragmented reading of the title "unable to complain"

#Setting Tag is a good habit It is still a tangled business,~~although the blog visits in the past two days are still very good~~

 Icy floating head

Think more, do less, say less "can't complain"

#Setting Tag is a good habit The content of this article is very different from that of an hour ago... Although there will be no change in meaning and value, it is meaningless

 Icy floating head

Single thread sleep "unable to complain"

#Setting Tag is a good habit I watched the Node.js introductory tutorial the previous day, which had some impact on my sleep the next morning. But this kind of influence has always been abstract and can't be expressed at all... So why use the above title, I can only say: the article must have a title

 Icy floating head

In October 2011, "unable to complain"

#Setting Tag is a good habit Death Experiment OR "Death Reality" Nightmare all night... It's not because of what you dream... although it's really annoying... everything related to school is annoying... when you are a little more conscious, you can't help but feel the fear of resisting great sleepiness... besides, you work all night

 Icy floating head

This subtitle group is lazy, "unable to complain"

#Setting Tag is a good habit It's too lazy. If you add more "-", you will die

 Icy floating head

I don't know the so-called broken words "unable to complain"

#Setting Tag is a good habit Late at night, classroom, alone. "Are you all right?" "Not so good." "Let's go!" "Where are we going?"

 Icy floating head

"Speaking" Kaguan Life

#Setting Tag is a good habit I cut a video and sent it to station B. I don't want to write it when I come back.. I failed more than 100 times and finally passed the game level. However, various events in my life have been dealt with again and again, but I am still troubled by them

 Icy floating head

09:36 "Unable to complain"

#Setting Tag is a good habit 2022-06-12: So... 2020-09-25: So what was my mood and reason for these things

 Icy floating head

Internet speed is too low [Dream Story]

#Setting Tag is a good habit 2022-06-12: So when was this article really written? ----

 Icy floating head

"Yanshuo" has backed up the next Sina blog

#Setting Tag is a good habit In fact, if Sina didn't shut down directly, it might feel nothing, but Mark was ready to deal with it later

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Old articles of this week

Wdssmq/blog astro: a static blog based on Astro;

Essentially, when faced with a code problem, we need another person who is willing to invest energy in your problem and has the corresponding technical knowledge..

Next, it seems that the replacement of Resilio Sync with Synything is also a slightly larger project.. Orz

GoodSync gave away a one-year license last year, and then it actually used it; I was thinking about changing Synything when it was due, but the last few days I gave a reminder that I spent ¥ 381 to renew Orz for three years. There are still some differences between their positioning and posture.. Earlier, Resilio Sync and BCompare were used, but the former occupied too much memory, and the latter was not automatically synchronized..

2024, let's back up the Duet archive..

... An unknown niche style library+inline style hybrid writing is indeed a bit groovy, but it is absolutely positive that "learning has begun" and can continue..

After reading a lot of questions in the post bar, there is an illusion that many people have registered a post bar specifically to ask a question, and the question itself may or may not be answered effectively (related to the point of question and the specific posture). However, in any case, after that, there will be no more than after cancelling the account, as if you never have to learn the corresponding things..

Devil Doll

-They are studying whether you are a real adult or a child pretending to be an adult

-I've studied it for a long time myself

In Lego DC, (basically the Batman family, the youngest one will become the same no matter who feels the design --

So, just like Sister Xianglin, I need to "sign in" my emotional feelings every day, but there is no need for me to sign in like this

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