Icy floating head

A collection of cold jokes on January 5, 2011 - in person

#Setting Tag is a good habit On January 5, 2011, a collection of cold jokes - going out in person 1. The professor said to the servant: "Go tell the man who asked for the bill that I am not at home." The servant said: "I said it, but he didn't believe it." The professor said: "It seems I have to go out and tell him myself."

 Icy floating head

September 7, 2010 Cold Jokes Collection - Where are you going?

#Setting Tag is a good habit September 7, 2010 Cold Jokes Collection - Where are you going? 1. In the train platform, an old lady carrying a large bag of things asked a staff member, "Has the train to Guangzhou left yet?" "It left ten minutes ago, and you are late." "Oh, when is the next train coming?" "It only comes in the afternoon." "When is the train to other places coming?" "Oh, at the earliest, there will be a train coming in an hour later

 Icy floating head

August 15, 2011 Cold jokes collection - ending

#Setting Tag is a good habit On August 15, 2011, a collection of cold jokes - ending 1. Mr. Wang often went to a barber shop to have his hair cut. Every time, the female shopkeeper cut his hair first. At the end of the day, the male shopkeeper would come up and say, "Let me do it!" Once, when the male shopkeeper was absent, Mr. Wang took the opportunity to ask the female shopkeeper, "Why did you cut his hair first, and then your husband took over?" The shopkeeper smiled and said, "He took over to collect money so as to control the finance..."

 Icy floating head

September 9, 2010 Cold jokes collection - mispronunciation of names

#Setting Tag is a good habit On September 9, 2010, a collection of cold jokes - mispronounced names 1. In class, the teacher called the roll: "Liu Hua!" Then the next child shouted back: "yeah!" The teacher was very angry: "Why don't you say 'to'?" The child said: "That word says' Ye '...". 2. I once saw a friend of mine squatting in the street in the rain, hugging his head and crying. Knowing that he was in a bad mood recently, he went forward to comfort: Isn't he just a woman? What's more! He

 Icy floating head

[Video] Crayon small new version Mario

#Setting Tag is a good habit Crayon small new version Mario, summoning skills

 Icy floating head

The collection of cold jokes on July 2, 2011 - the role of magazines

#Setting Tag is a good habit July 2, 2011 Cold Jokes Collection - The Role of Magazines 1. Dr. Zhang served as a psychological consultant in a famous journal of children's education. One afternoon when he returned home from work, Mrs. Lin, a neighbor, caught him and said, "Today my little rascal is disobedient. Thanks to your magazine, I have done a great favor.". Dr. Zhang proudly asked: What about the one in that issue? Mrs. Lin shook her head and said, "I didn't know it was that issue!"! I casually rolled up your magazine and made it firm

 Icy floating head

July 17, 2011 Cold jokes collection - clean money

#Setting Tag is a good habit A collection of cold jokes on July 17, 2011 - Clean Money 1. An official took a taxi and took out a new note from his wallet to pay the driver: "I think you like clean money just like ordinary people." The driver took the note and looked at it carefully for a while and said: "Actually, I don't care how your money came from." 2. His son returned from school, Excitedly, she said to her mother, "Mom, I've changed my interest class. Next semester I'm going to learn nature..."

 Icy floating head

A collection of cold jokes on August 30, 2016 - Bear Children and Bear Parents

#Setting Tag is a good habit On August 30, 2016, a collection of cold jokes - Bear Children and Bear Parents 1. Queuing in the hospital to recharge medical cartoons, a beautiful young woman and a little boy were in the front row. The little boy was very naughty. He always hit me and touched me, but his mother didn't care about him. I squatted down and said to the little boy: You are so cute, little handsome brother. If you are naughty again, I will kiss your mother. The young woman looked at me in horror and pulled the children to the other side of the queue

 Icy floating head

A collection of cold jokes on May 4, 2015 - an unexpected ending

#Setting Tag is a good habit On May 4, 2015, a collection of cold jokes - an unexpected ending 1. Female: "Let's break up." Male: "It's OK to break up. Let me hold your hand for the last time!" The girl agreed, and the boy smiled: "If you can break away from me, I will agree to break up." The girl used great strength to break away from the boy, and the boy immediately turned to leave... The girl suddenly understood what was going on, and scolded: "Madun, the ring you gave me has been rolled back

 Icy floating head

April 10, 2015 Cold jokes collection - it's none of your business

#Setting Tag is a good habit On April 10, 2015, a collection of cold jokes - it's none of your business. 1. One day in class, my deskmate and I were caught playing chess. After class, we were called to the office. The head teacher said, "Go ahead, I'll watch you play.". My deskmate and I had to bite the bullet. At the moment when it was getting hotter, the head teacher and the vice principal quarreled. The old class said to take this step, and the vice principal said to take that step. Then the head teacher said, "Come on, there's nothing for you here. Today I'm going to..."

 Icy floating head

A collection of cold jokes on March 15, 2015 - under great pressure

#Setting Tag is a good habit On March 15, 2015, a collection of cold jokes - a lot of pressure 1. A woman published news: a lot of pressure after marriage! Someone replied: "How heavy your husband should be!! Suggest changing his position!" Female: "Not my husband!" "Does your husband know?" He looked at me drunk and dared not comment for a long time

 Icy floating head

The collection of cold jokes on February 18, 2015 - can only help you get here

#Setting Tag is a good habit The collection of cold jokes on February 18, 2015 - can only help you get here 1. Loser saw a goddess on the bus, so he went to ask for the phone number, but was rejected, so he was very disappointed! At this time, a big brother next to her leaned over and whispered, "Young man, help me stand in the way, and I will ask for your phone number..." The big brother quietly took out the phone from the bag of the goddess, then removed the phone card, handed it to me, and whispered, "Come on

 Icy floating head

On November 13, 2010, the collection of cold jokes - the brake broke

#Setting Tag is a good habit The collection of cold jokes on November 13, 2010 - the brake broke 1. The reporter excitedly interviewed the new champion of the auto race: you are the last but one in every race. What's the secret of winning the championship this time? The driver shivered and said, "I, I, my brake is broken... 2. A salesman found that the land he just sold was flooded, so he asked the boss if he should return the money to the customer.". The boss yelled: Return the money? Thanks for your imagination! Sell it to

 Icy floating head

Three Kingdoms Survival Rule

#Setting Tag is a good habit In the Three Kingdoms, there are some things that must not be done: Never be Lv Bu's father - he was born to kill his father. His father died early, and he killed both his godfathers. If you want to marry someone, you should never marry Liu Bei - "Brothers are like brothers, and wives are like clothes", which is Liu Bei's motto in life. Even if you are willing to become "clothes", you may not have a good end. Madam Mi jumped into the well, and Sun Shangxiang jumped into the river. I have long said that Liu Bei "lacks water in the five elements"! Besides, don't marry Liu An

 Icy floating head

I want to buy an IP4. What brand is better?

#Setting Tag is a good habit Well, please give us some guidance on what brand of iPhone 4 is better. Thank you very much

 Icy floating head

August 31, 2011 Collection of Cold Jokes - Abandonment

#Setting Tag is a good habit On August 31, 2011, a collection of cold jokes - giving up 2. Female: "If we get married, will you quit smoking?" Male: "Yes." Female: "Do you still want to quit drinking?" Male: "Yes." Female: "Don't go to nightclubs at night?" Male: "Yes." Female: "Is there anything else to give up?" Male: "The idea of getting married."

 Icy floating head

September 13, 2010 Cold jokes collection - try again later

#Setting Tag is a good habit The collection of cold jokes on September 13, 2010 - try again later 1. Just 10086 sent a text message, and to evaluate their service, 801 - very good, 802 - very good, 803 - good, 804 - general, I returned an 804 message, but I received the message "Dear customer, the system is busy at present, your application has not been accepted, please try again later" 2. Self study in the evening, go to the parking lot to pick up a car,, The parking lot is a little big, it's empty

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Wdssmq/blog astro: a static blog based on Astro;

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GoodSync gave away a one-year license last year, and then it actually used it; I was thinking about changing Synything when it was due, but the last few days I gave a reminder that I spent ¥ 381 to renew Orz for three years. There are still some differences between their positioning and posture.. Earlier, Resilio Sync and BCompare were used, but the former occupied too much memory, and the latter was not automatically synchronized..

2024, let's back up the Duet archive..

... An unknown niche style library+inline style hybrid writing is indeed a bit groovy, but it is absolutely positive that "learning has begun" and can continue..

After reading a lot of questions in the post bar, there is an illusion that many people have registered a post bar specifically to ask a question, and the question itself may or may not be answered effectively (related to the point of question and the specific posture). However, in any case, after that, there will be no more than after cancelling the account, as if you never have to learn the corresponding things..

Devil Doll

-They are studying whether you are a real adult or a child pretending to be an adult

-I've studied it for a long time myself

In Lego DC, (basically the Batman family, the youngest one will become the same no matter who feels the design --

So, just like Sister Xianglin, I need to "sign in" my emotional feelings every day, but there is no need for me to sign in like this

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