Icy floating head

August 12, 2010 Cold jokes collection - RBT

#Setting Tag is a good habit On August 12, 2010, a collection of cold jokes - it is rare for an RBT to get up early.. As a result, there was a power failure.. Alas

 Icy floating head

Collection of Cold Jokes on February 12, 2015 - Hello, teacher, goodbye

#Setting Tag is a good habit Cold jokes collection on February 12, 2015 - Hello, teacher, goodbye to teacher 1. My brother likes to play LOL. Yesterday my mother asked me to catch him in the Internet cafe. Sure enough, I found him in the Internet cafe near my home. I scolded: "I know how to play games every day, and I will call your class teacher later!" My brother pointed to a man beside him: "Don't call him, he is here, and asked me to take him out!" 2. I went to work in the garage during the winter vacation, and started working as a teacher yesterday

 Icy floating head

The collection of cold jokes on February 6, 2015 - Teacher, you are so good at acting, does the principal know

#Setting Tag is a good habit On February 6, 2015, a collection of cold jokes - teacher, do you know that the headmaster is so good at acting. One morning I had three classes. After class, the head teacher called me aside and touched my pocket. Where's the cigarette? I said I wouldn't smoke since you caught me last time. The head teacher said to hurry up. I really didn't say that. You should trust me, teacher. The class leader smiled and said, I have been

 Icy floating head

December 17, 2013 Collection of Cold Jokes - Price rises on holidays

#Setting Tag is a good habit The collection of cold jokes on December 17, 2013 - price rises on holidays 1. Today I went to the hotel to open a room, and the conversation between the person in front and the cashier was: Shit, why did the price rise again? Sir, today is a holiday. What does Qingming Festival concern you? Are you running a hotel or a funeral home?! "

 Icy floating head

November 4, 2010 Cold Jokes Collection - Singles Day Tutorial

#Setting Tag is a good habit On November 4, 2010, a collection of cold jokes - Singles Day Tutorial 1. What can be done on Singles Day: When a girl sees a lover who is very affectionate, she can't help but slap the man, "You dare betray me?!" Turn around and leave. What reaction can break up several pairs of boys? Conversely, it's hard to clean up the bad moves when jumping into the Yellow River. Boys will get better results when they smoke boys

 Icy floating head

A collection of cold jokes on August 26, 2012 - The truth of Tanabata

#Setting Tag is a good habit On August 26, 2012, a collection of cold jokes - the truth of Tanabata 1. The story of Cowherd and Weaver Girl tells that one day in the sky, one year on the earth. That is to say, Niulang can only meet with Zhinu on the Double Seventh Festival every year, and Zhinu can see Niulang every day... It seems that the Queen Mother still loves her own people

 Icy floating head

March 6, 2012 Jokes Collection - Lazy Ghost

#Setting Tag is a good habit March 6, 2012 - Lazy Ghost 1. A gangster broke into Lao Wang's house with a knife. The gangster shouted: "Give all the money, or I'll kill you!" Lao Wang said helplessly: "Sorry, I've been unemployed for half a year, and I don't have any money for you." The gangster was furious: "You lazy guy, I just lost my job last month, and this month I came out to rob!"

 Icy floating head

July 12, 2012 Cold jokes collection - after the fire

#Setting Tag is a good habit A collection of cold jokes on July 12, 2012 - After the fire 1. Once a family caught fire, the fire had been extinguished after the reporter arrived at the scene. When the reporter interviewed the hostess, she said that there was a fire at home when she was cooking. After listening to a paragraph, the first sentence of the female reporter was: "Did you cook your rice?"

 Icy floating head

October 20, 2011 Cold jokes collection - vacation

#Setting Tag is a good habit On October 20, 2011, a collection of cold jokes - vacation 1. A Chicago employee called his manager from the east of the United States: "I was delayed here. We were in the center of a hurricane, the plane stopped, the train and car stopped, and the highway was flooded. What should I do?" "Starting today, your two-week vacation." 2. A couple had a difficult time. The woman shouted: "I've had enough with you, a miser

 Icy floating head

March 17, 2014 Cold Jokes Collection - Advanced Zombie Powder

#Setting Tag is a good habit On March 17, 2014, a collection of cold jokes - senior zombie fans 1. "Wukong, look at this female benefactor. She has a beautiful and attractive face. She will also discuss with me about common sense of life, horoscopes, proverbs of success, and sexual feelings. How can she be a monster! You worry too much." "Master, this monster is called a senior zombie fan." A collection of cold jokes (www.wdssmq. com) 2 Today, a friend asked me to borrow money. When I handed him the money, he was chasing me

 Icy floating head

December 2, 2010 Cold jokes collection - wits fight

#Setting Tag is a good habit On December 2, 2010, a collection of cold jokes - Douzhi 1. My uncle bought three tomatoes to the scale, and the stall owner weighed them: "One pound and a half, three yuan and seven yuan." My uncle: "It doesn't take so much to make soup." The biggest tomato was removed. The stall owner, "One pound, two liang, three yuan." Just when I wanted to remind the old man to pay attention to the Libra, the old man calmly took out seventy cents, picked up the large tomato that had just been removed, turned around and left... The stall owner was in a mess on the spot

 Icy floating head

A collection of cold jokes on August 21, 2012 - Battle on the Double Seventh Festival

#Setting Tag is a good habit On August 21, 2012, a collection of cold jokes - Battle on the Chinese Valentine's Day 1. The Chinese Valentine's Day is coming, and we ordered a big bunch of flowers. On Tanabata Day, dressed as a flower delivery delivery, I went to my ex girlfriend's company and shouted at the place where her colleagues gathered near her office: XXX, you have ordered flowers for yourself. Oh, I'm sorry I forgot. It should be said that an unknown gentleman sent flowers to you, and I left the front desk first

 Icy floating head

The collection of cold jokes on August 2, 2010 - finally started

#Setting Tag is a good habit On August 2, 2010, a collection of cold jokes finally started. 1. About the Nanjing explosion, one person on the scene described that I was driving on Qixia Avenue, about 200 meters away from the accident site, when suddenly there was a loud noise, all the cars on the road shook, and a mushroom cloud rose in the distance. My heart was cold, and the Americans finally started to attack China

 Icy floating head

Harry Potter is a three nation war

#Setting Tag is a good habit Harry Potter is a "Three Kingdoms Killer", transferred from Douban: http://www.douban.com/group/topic/21532721/ The Ha7, which followed from childhood to adulthood, also ended. Ten years passed, and suddenly a strange idea came to my mind. Harry was the leader, Gryffindor and the Order of Phoenix were loyal, the leader was President Deng, the Slytherin Death Eater was anti, and the leader was Lord Voldemort. As for the inside

 Icy floating head

The collection of cold jokes on October 13, 2013 - It's time to go to the hospital, hold on

#Setting Tag is a good habit On October 13, 2013, a collection of cold jokes - I'm going to the hospital. Hold on. 1. A young woman on the bus took a nap with her son who looked like she was 5 or 6 years old. Then the aunt seemed to come, bleeding a lot, and there was a lot of blood on the seat. I found it when I was about to get off the bus. I guess I was embarrassed. Suddenly, she shouted, "Baby, hold on! I'm going to the hospital, hold on." Holding her son, she rushed out of the bus

 Icy floating head

The collection of cold jokes on July 29, 2010 - There is such a person

#Setting Tag is a good habit July 29, 2010 Cold Jokes Collection - There is such a person 1. There is such a person. If you send her a message, she will return to you immediately. Day or night. There is such a person. If you ask her, she will listen to you. If you don't want to talk to her, she won't bother you by texting again. She is 10086

 Icy floating head

August 14, 2010 Cold jokes collection - too young

#Setting Tag is a good habit August 14, 2010 Collection of Cold Jokes - Too young has been in a "blank" state recently.. Alas

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Wdssmq/blog astro: a static blog based on Astro;

Essentially, when faced with a code problem, we need another person who is willing to invest energy in your problem and has the corresponding technical knowledge..

Next, it seems that the replacement of Resilio Sync with Synything is also a slightly larger project.. Orz

GoodSync gave away a one-year license last year, and then it actually used it; I was thinking about changing Synything when it was due, but the last few days I gave a reminder that I spent ¥ 381 to renew Orz for three years. There are still some differences between their positioning and posture.. Earlier, Resilio Sync and BCompare were used, but the former occupied too much memory, and the latter was not automatically synchronized..

2024, let's back up the Duet archive..

... An unknown niche style library+inline style hybrid writing is indeed a bit groovy, but it is absolutely positive that "learning has begun" and can continue..

After reading a lot of questions in the post bar, there is an illusion that many people have registered a post bar specifically to ask a question, and the question itself may or may not be answered effectively (related to the point of question and the specific posture). However, in any case, after that, there will be no more than after cancelling the account, as if you never have to learn the corresponding things..

Devil Doll

-They are studying whether you are a real adult or a child pretending to be an adult

-I've studied it for a long time myself

In Lego DC, (basically the Batman family, the youngest one will become the same no matter who feels the design --

So, just like Sister Xianglin, I need to "sign in" my emotional feelings every day, but there is no need for me to sign in like this

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