International News

April thirteen

  • Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs made a statement on the Japanese government's decision to dispose of nuclear waste water by marine discharge

    16:22 Author: Watts

    Source: On April 13 on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Japanese government decided to dispose of the nuclear waste water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident by means of marine discharge. As a close neighbor and stakeholder of Japan, China expresses serious concern about this. The Fukushima nuclear accident is one of the most serious nuclear accidents in the world so far, causing a large amount of radioactive material leakage, which has a far-reaching impact on the marine environment, food safety and human health. The assessment report of the expert group of the International Atomic Energy Agency clearly pointed out that if the tritiated waste water of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Station was discharged into the sea, it would have an impact on the marine environment and public health of surrounding countries. At the same time, the existing treated waste water still contained other radionuclides Original text connection

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March 02

  • Zhong Nanshan said that global mass immunization will take two to three years, and the whole country cannot be closed for a long time

    22:53 Author: Watts

    On the evening of March 1, Tsinghua University and the Brookings Institution jointly held a forum on "The Right Track of Rapid Recovery: Sino US Cooperation in the Prevention, Control and Treatment of the COVID-19 Epidemic", where top experts in the public health and medical fields of China and the United States discussed topics such as medical and research cooperation, vaccine research and development. Zhong Nanshan, head of the high-level expert group of the National Health Commission, said that in June this year, China planned to reach 40% of the coverage rate of the new crown vaccine. Zhong Nanshan said that in order to recover the economy, restore schools and gradually resume social activities, the whole country cannot be closed for a long time, so it is necessary to form group immunity. "Mass immunization can't make a large number of people suffer from Original text connection

     Zhong Nanshan said that global mass immunization will take two to three years, and the whole country cannot be closed for a long time

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February eighteen

  • Secretary of State of the United States: The United States will pay more than 200 million dollars of membership fees to WHO

    11:02 Author: Watts

    Source: China Daily According to Xinhua News Agency, US Secretary of State Lincoln said on Wednesday (17th) that the United States would pay more than 200 million US dollars to the World Health Organization before the end of this month, including assessed contributions and current contributions. Blinken said at the meeting of the UN Security Council on the New Champions, "This is an important step for us to fulfill our economic obligations as a member of WHO." He also said, "This reflects our latest commitment to WHO, so as to ensure that WHO receives due support in leading the global response to the new Champions." Last year, The Trump government accused WHO of failing to respond to the epidemic in time, and declared that Original text connection

     Secretary of State of the United States: The United States will pay more than 200 million dollars of membership fees to WHO

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November twenty

November sixteen

  • Trump issued a document saying that the 2020 presidential election is unconstitutional

    09:26 Author: Watts

    Just now, Trump announced: "Many of the lawsuits filed across the country are not by us, but by people who have witnessed terrible fraud events. Our big cases will show that the 2020 election is unconstitutional, and (some people) have done outrageous things to change the election results, and (these big cases) will be submitted soon!

     Trump issued a document saying that the 2020 presidential election is unconstitutional

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November 03

August 05

  • A Chinese citizen was slightly injured in the explosion in the port area of the Lebanese capital

    16:55 Author: Watts

    Xinhua News Agency, Beirut, August 5 (Reporter Li Liangyong) The Chinese Embassy in Lebanon confirmed on the 5th that a Chinese citizen was slightly injured in the explosion in the port area of Beirut, the capital of Lebanon. The embassy said that the injured person was an employee of a Chinese funded enterprise in Lebanon who was scratched by broken glass and has now received medical treatment. According to the latest statistics released by the Lebanese Red Cross Society, as of the morning of the 5th, the violent explosion in Beirut port area on the evening of the 4th had killed more than 100 people and injured more than 4000 others. At present, the rescue operation is still continuing, and the number of casualties is expected to rise further. The specific cause of the explosion is still unclear. More than Original text connection

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July twenty-three

  • The United States asked China to close its consulate and the Chinese embassy responded

    09:21 Author: Watts

    Today, the Chinese Embassy in the United States issued a statement on the sudden and unilateral request of the United States to close the Chinese Consulate General in Houston within a time limit. The full text is as follows: On July 21, the United States suddenly and unilaterally asked the Chinese side to close the Chinese Consulate General in Houston within a time limit, which is a political provocation launched by the Chinese side and seriously violates international law and the basic norms of international relations as well as the relevant provisions of the Sino US consular treaty, Deliberately sabotaging Sino US relations is very unreasonable. China strongly condemns and firmly opposes this. China has always insisted on non-interference in other countries' internal affairs. For many years, Chinese embassies and consulates in the United States, including the Consulate General in Houston, have always been in accordance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations

     The United States asked China to close its consulate and the Chinese embassy responded

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March fourteen

  • Apple CEO Cook has just announced that all Apple Store retail stores outside China will be closed until March 27

    20:22 Author: Watts

    Cook said in his open letter that he would first like to thank all Apple employees in Greater China. Although the infection rate has declined significantly, we know that the impact of the new coronavirus is still strong. Cook said that I would like to pay the highest tribute to the determination and tenacity shown by the team in Greater China. I also want to thank our operation team and partners for their efforts in restoring supply chain production. The valuable experience accumulated in Greater China will play a huge role in our global epidemic prevention. We will close all retail stores outside Greater China until March 27. In the meantime, I Original text connection

     Apple CEO Cook has just announced that all Apple Store retail stores outside China will be closed until March 27

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