Financial News

March 08

  • How long will the strong trend of gold prices continue to break new historical records?

    16:48 Author: Watts

    Gold prices continued to soar. On March 8, COMEX April gold futures closed 0.32% higher at 2165.20 dollars/ounce, hitting a record closing high for the fifth consecutive trading day. Spot gold also hit a new high, touching 2164.65 dollars/ounce, closing at 2159.80 dollars/ounce, rising for the seventh trading day. At the same time, the gold price in the domestic market also showed a strong trend. "In the future, under the current overheated trade, many technical indicators are overbought or deviated, and it is not suitable for precious metals to catch up in the short term. Such a soaring market still needs verification support from the heavy data and events within the week. I Original text connection

     How long will the strong trend of gold prices continue to break new historical records?

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March 08

  • The Shanghai Stock Index lost 3300 yuan, and the GEM sold 8.7 billion yuan of capital in the negative north direction for the sixth consecutive session

    16:42 Author: Watts

    [Closing Announcements] On March 8, the stock indexes of the two markets continued to fall sharply, and the Shanghai Index, Shenzhen Stock Index and GEM Index all hit new lows in the year. By the end of the day, the Shanghai Index had fallen 2.35%, the Shenzhen Composite Index had fallen 2.62%, the GEM Index had fallen 1.80%, and the daily line had been negative for six consecutive days. In terms of sectors, all sectors fell, with seed industry, lithium mining, assisted reproduction, new crown medicine, baby concept, etc. all falling by more than 6%; Medicine, aviation, coal, etc. all fell sharply. The concepts of semiconductor and eastern digital computing are relatively strong. Only more than 400 stocks rose in the two markets. Nearly 100 individual stocks fell by 10% or more. The net sale of northward funds was 8.7 billion yuan. As of the closing of A-share market, statistics show that Original text connection

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March 07

  • Shanghai Index fell by more than 2%, GEM Index fell by more than 4%, and the net sales of northward funds exceeded 8 billion yuan

    17:15 Author: Watts

    [Closing announcement] On March 7, the stock indexes of the two cities opened lower and went lower, and individual stocks fell generally; The GEM index fell more than 4%. By the end of the day, the Shanghai Composite Index had fallen 2.17%, the Shenzhen Composite Index had fallen 3.43%, and the GEM Index had fallen 4.30%. In terms of sectors, most sectors fell, with tourism, liquor making, semiconductor and other sectors leading the way. The concept of infant children bucked the market and rose sharply, with nearly 20 individual stocks rising by 10% or more; New crown medicines, assisted reproduction and the golden concept also bucked the trend. In terms of individual stocks, Ningde Times fell by more than 7%, with a turnover of more than 10 billion yuan; About 60 stocks in the two markets rose by 10% or more. More than 3800 stocks fell in both markets

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March 04

  • Three A-share indexes closed lower: GEM fell 1.55%, pharmaceutical stocks rose sharply against the market

    15:12 Author: Watts

    The three A-share indexes fell collectively today, with the Shanghai Index closing down nearly 1%, the Shenzhen Composite Index down more than 1%, and the GEM Index down 1.5%. The market turnover reached 1 trillion yuan. Most of the industry sectors ended lower, led by the mining, oil, battery and gas industries, and the pharmaceutical industry rose sharply against the market. March has come, and the National Two Sessions have been opened. The setting of economic goals, the direction of macro policies, and industrial policies will all have an impact on the market. The institution believes that the growth track in March has market opportunities, focusing on stable growth and oversold high-quality growth stocks. Securities Times · Databao combed the 30 trading days before the convening of the two sessions, during the two sessions and the conclusion of the two sessions in the past 10 years

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January twenty-four

  • Shanghai Index Shrinks, Shocks, New Energy Raceway Rises, and New Crown Drug Concept Falls

    15:24 Author: Watts

    The trend of the three A-share indexes diverged today, with the Shanghai Stock Index rising slightly by 0.04% to close at 3524.11; The Shenzhen Composite Index rose 0.37% to close at 14081.80; The GEM index rose 0.72% to close at 3056.43. The market turnover continued to shrink, with only 864.2 billion yuan today. The industry sector saw more losses than gains. New energy track stocks such as lithium, photovoltaic and wind power rose sharply, while the new crown drug concept stocks fell sharply. For the future market trend, institutions have expressed their views. CITIC Securities said that the "policy bottom" has been made clear, the "emotional bottom" is coming, and the "market bottom" is gradually approaching Original text connection

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December sixteen

  • [Afternoon Finance] The three A-share indexes fluctuated, and the coal sector rose the most

    11:32 Author: Watts

    The three A-share indexes fluctuated collectively. On the market, coal, digital twin, metauniverse, steel, cultural media, oil and other industries led the increase, while liquor making, automobile, solid state battery and other sectors led the decline. As far as the future market is concerned, Huaxin Securities believes that after the continuous repair of the valuation of consumer stocks, the market has diverged due to the lack of short-term spatial advantages. In addition, the sharp adjustment of biomedical stocks has led to a rise in market panic and an increase in the intra day adjustment of the index. However, the overall adjustment of A share capital round is limited, and the market is driven by liquidity. After the sentiment recovers, The A-share rebound will continue. Guosheng Securities said that capital sentiment remained high, rising

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November eighteen

  • Three A-share indexes closed lower: GEM index fell more than 1%, lithium mineral stocks rose sharply against the market

    18:26 Author: Watts

    The three A-share indexes collectively closed lower today, with the Shanghai Index down 0.47% to close at 3520.71; The Shenzhen Composite Index fell 0.90% to close at 14579.17; The GEM index fell 1.09% to close at 3383.91. The market turnover remained at the normal level of more than 1 trillion yuan, reaching 1.1 trillion yuan today, which was the 20th consecutive trading day that exceeded 1 trillion yuan. The industry sector saw less gains and more losses, with more than 3200 stocks falling, and lithium mining stocks rose sharply against the market. Today's news: 1. The State Council recently set the tone of 200 billion yuan to promote a major event! Two trillion races Original text connection

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November fifteen

  • On the first day of listing, 10 new shares of Beijing Stock Exchange rose sharply, up nearly 500% at the highest level

    23:38 Author: Watts

    The three A-share indexes collectively closed lower today, with the Shanghai Index falling 0.16% to close at 3533.30; The Shenzhen Composite Index fell 0.47% to close at 14636.39; The GEM index fell 0.82% to close at 3401.87. The market turnover remained above 1 trillion yuan, reaching 1.15 trillion yuan today. The industry sector rose more than fell, led by the food and beverage industry, environmental protection industry, tourism hotel, medical industry, and led by the fertilizer industry and energy metals. The number of rising stocks in the two cities exceeded 3000, and 10 new stocks in the Beijing Stock Exchange rose sharply today, up nearly 500% at the highest. For post Original text connection

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October twenty-six

  • Three A-share indexes closed slightly lower Apple concept stocks performed actively

    15:55 Author: Watts

    On Tuesday, all three A-share indexes turned down in the afternoon. On the whole, individual stocks showed a general downward trend, with nearly 2800 shares floating green, and the turnover of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets exceeded trillion yuan for the third consecutive trading day. As of the close, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index fell 0.34% to 3597.64. The Shenzhen Composite Index fell 0.30% to 14552.82. The GEM index fell 0.33% to 3327.54. Northbound funds bought a small net amount of 845 million yuan throughout the day, which was a net purchase for six consecutive days. On the panel, smart speakers, salt lake lithium extraction, beer, graphite electrodes and other sectors are among the top gainers, cultivating diamonds, e-commerce, and travel Original text connection

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September seventeen

  • The GEM index rose by more than 2%, and the turnover of the two markets exceeded trillion for 43 consecutive days, equaling the historical record

    20:31 Author: Watts

    On September 17, the Shanghai Index bottomed out in the middle of the session, turned red near the end of the session, and recovered at 3600 points; The Shenzhen Composite Index rose higher in the afternoon, and the GEM Index rose 2%, recovering 3200 points at one time; Most of the plates in the two cities fell, and the periodic plates such as coal, steel and nonferrous metals collectively corrected; Wind power, liquor making, medicine and other sectors strengthened; The trading volume of the two cities has shrunk compared with that before, with a total turnover of about 1.34 trillion yuan. So far, the turnover of the two markets has exceeded 1 trillion for the 43rd consecutive trading day, equaling the historical record set in 2015. As of the close, the Shanghai Composite Index rose 0.19% to 3613.97 points, and the Shenzhen Composite Index rose 0 Original text connection

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September fifteen

  • Three A-share indexes closed lower: GEM index fell more than 1%, led by liquor making stocks, and oil stocks strengthened

    15:56 Author: Watts

    As of the closing, the Shanghai Composite Index fell 0.17% to 3656.22, the Shenzhen Composite Index fell 0.6% to 14536.31, and the GEM Index fell 1.12% to 3200.4; The total turnover of the two cities was 1354.6 billion yuan, and the net inflow of capital from the north was 2.14 billion yuan. On the panel, cyclical stocks such as oil, power, chemical, coal, gas, steel and so on rose again collectively; The BIPV concept, wind energy, lithium battery, fluorine concept, phosphorus concept and other topics are outstanding; Alcohol stocks fell sharply, and Wuliangye lost the 200 yuan mark; Tourism, hotel catering, medical care, semiconductor, banking and other sectors all weakened Original text connection

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September fourteen

  • Shanghai Index fell more than 1% Growth Enterprise Market Index rose more than 1% Cyclical stocks and financial stocks led the decline

    22:27 Author: Watts

    On September 14, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index fluctuated in a narrow range in the morning and plunged sharply in the afternoon, falling more than 1.5% to 3700 points; The Shenzhen Composite Index also fell back. The GEM Index once rose by more than 2.5% in the morning, and its decline narrowed significantly in the afternoon; Most of the plates in the two cities fell, with nonferrous metals, steel, securities, coal, banks and other plates leading the decline. The concept of Hongmeng, the concept of industrial machine and other topics were active against the trend. The turnover of the two markets exceeded 1.5 trillion yuan, and the net outflow of capital from the north exceeded 4 billion yuan. As of the close, the Shanghai Composite Index fell 1.42% to 3662.6 points, the Shenzhen Composite Index fell 0.54% to 14626.08 points, and the GEM Index rose 1 Original text connection

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July twelve

  • GEM index rose nearly 4% to set a new six-year high, and network security concept stocks soared

    17:03 Author: Watts

    The three A-share indexes collectively closed higher today, with the Shanghai Index rising 0.67% to close at 3547.84; The Shenzhen Composite Index rose 2.14% to 15161.52; The GEM index showed a strong trend, with an increase of 3.68%, standing firmly above the 3500 point integer threshold and closing at 3534.76 points, hitting a new six-year high since June 2015. The trading volume of the market increased, and the total turnover of the two cities reached 1.32 trillion yuan. Most of the industry sectors closed higher, and the network security concept stocks soared. Northbound funds bought 1.642 billion yuan today. For the future market trend, institutions have expressed their views Original text connection

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June thirty

  • The GEM index hit a six-year high, with a cumulative increase of more than 17% in the first half of the year

    16:07 Author: Watts

    The A-share market today ushered in the end of the first half of the year. The three major indexes collectively closed higher, of which the Shanghai Index rose 0.50% to close at 3591.20 points, up 3.40% in the first half of the year; The Shenzhen Composite Index rose 1.08% to 15161.70, up 4.78% in the first half of the year; The GEM index showed a strong trend, rising 2.08% to close at 3477.18, a six-year high since June 2015, with a cumulative increase of 17.22% in the first half of the year. The turnover of the two markets reached 942.5 billion yuan. The industry sector rose more than fell, and the third-generation semiconductor concept stocks showed a strong trend. For the bottom

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May twenty-seven

May seventeen

  • The Shanghai Stock Index recovered 3500 points, and the GEM Index rose 2.6%

    17:23 Author: Watts

    The three A-share indexes collectively closed higher today, of which the Shanghai Index rose 0.78% to close at 3517.62 points, recovering the 3500 point mark; The Shenzhen Composite Index rose 1.74% to close at 14456.54; The GEM rose 2.6% to close at 3112.74. A total of 930 billion yuan was traded in the two cities. Most of the industry sectors ended lower. Institutional stocks strengthened, and nearly 3000 stocks in the two cities fell. Northbound funds bought a net 2.578 billion yuan today. For the future market trend, institutions have expressed their views. CITIC Securities believes that the rise of commodity prices has slowed down, and domestic inflation expectations have fallen periodically Original text connection

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  • Musk suggests that Tesla may have sold its Bitcoin position

    17:22 Author: Watts

    Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, suggested on social media that "Tesla may or has sold its Bitcoin position". A Twitter user left a message to Musk saying: "If Tesla has sold the remaining Bitcoin positions, the Bitcoin people (holders) will slap themselves in the face next quarter (after the quarterly financial report is released)." Musk replied to this tweet with the word "Indeed". Musk has always been an important supporter of cryptocurrencies, helping to push up the price of digital currencies, including Bitcoin, several times in the past year. Submitted to the SEC in February this year

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April twenty-three

  • GEM index up nearly 2%: Baotuan shares strengthened more than 3000 stocks fell

    15:54 Author: Watts

    The three A-share indexes collectively closed higher today, with the Shanghai Index rising 0.26% to close at 3474.17; The Shenzhen Composite Index rose 1% to close at 14351.86; The GEM index showed a strong trend, rising 1.87% to close at 2994.49. A total of 778.6 billion yuan was transacted in the two cities. Most of the industry sectors ended lower. Institutional stocks led the strong rise, with more than 3000 stocks falling in the two cities. Northbound funds bought 7.859 billion yuan today. For the future market trend, institutions have expressed their views. Guosheng Securities believes that as the disclosure of the first quarterly report nears the end, market sentiment has gradually stabilized Original text connection

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April twenty-two

  • Three A-share indexes rose and fell in different ways, led by the strong steel sector

    15:53 Author: Watts

    The three A-share indexes rose and fell at different levels today, with the Shanghai Index closing down 0.23% to close at 3465.11; The Shenzhen Composite Index rose 0.41% to 14209.44; The GEM index rose 0.77% to 2939.39. A total of 740.9 billion yuan was transacted in the two cities. The industry sector was mixed, and the steel sector led the gains strongly. Northbound Capital sold a net of 1.597 billion yuan today. For the future market trend, institutions have expressed their views. Yuekai Securities said that the Shanghai Composite Index reached a low point of 3328 on March 9, and then fluctuated between 3360-3500. At present, the index is again Original text connection

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April 08

  • The shock of the Shanghai Stock Index led the rise of the steel sector, and the decline of carbon trading concept stocks

    18:37 Author: Watts

    The Shanghai Composite Index maintained a narrow range of volatility throughout the day, and finally ended up slightly by 0.08% to close at 3482.55; The Shenzhen Composite Index rose 0.08% to 13989.94; The GEM index rose 0.70% to close at 2826.99. The market turnover continued to be low, with a total turnover of 767.2 billion yuan between the two cities. Most of the industry sectors ended lower, led by the steel sector, and led by carbon trading concept stocks. Northbound Capital sold a net amount of 1.703 billion yuan today. The institutions have expressed their views on the future trend of the market. Shanxi Securities pointed out that, combined with recent trends and trading volume, the market will continue to show Original text connection

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