[Micro lens · "the next group" of the two sessions of General Secretary Xi Jinping] "We should see that we are moving forward"

Time: afternoon of March 6

Agenda: General Secretary Xi Jinping visited the members of the people's revolution, science and technology, environment and resources sectors who participated in the CPPCC meeting, and participated in the joint group meeting

On this land, countless "green water and green mountains" stories are happening and created every day.

In the field of ecological environment governance, Huang Mianshong, a young "veteran", told General Secretary Xi Jinping about his first-line experience when he made a speech.

General Secretary Xi Jinping also has personal insights. After listening to the member's speech, the General Secretary recalled the "APEC Blue" in 2014.

That year, at the welcome banquet of the Water Cube, the General Secretary faced the question directly: "Some people said that the blue sky in Beijing now is' APEC blue ', beautiful and short, and it will disappear after a while." At that time, facing the people as well as the world, his commitment was simple and firm: "This is not a short blue sky that will never return, and Beijing will have a lasting blue sky in the future."

Some foreign observers believe that "it is impossible to change things without spending thirty or fifty years", but in the struggle of the new era day by day, it has achieved gratifying changes in an amazing short time span. Outside the venue at this moment, the sky is blue and spring is thick.

"At that time, people often complained about the smog in Beijing. I think that this matter should take a long view." General Secretary Xi Jinping looked into the depths of time. When he was a child, he was deeply impressed by the sandstorm in Beijing. "In spring, he would wear a large mask. The mask was covered with dust. When the windows were opened at home, the ground was covered with dust."

Speaking of this, he said to the members wittily: "The sandstorm in those years was like PM250. We have transitioned from PM250 to PM2.5, and now PM2.5 has been almost solved, and has been moving forward step by step over the years."

Ecological and environmental issues test the historical perspective and also witness the resilience of development. Practice, understanding, practice and understanding again, General Secretary Xi Jinping thought deeply and summarized the deep logic: "As long as we see that we are moving forward, we should keep calm. Moreover, we should not just criticize and dictate, but really act and work."

Do it with bow and keep your word. At a time when the construction of ecological civilization has undergone historic, turning and overall changes, General Secretary Xi Jinping looks at a longer and more sustainable future: this matter is "far from enough. There is still a long way to go, and we should continue to do it".

The "lower group" of the two sessions is to listen to and learn from the opinions and suggestions of the representatives from all walks of life. In his speech, Hu Songqin, a member of the committee, described the shortcomings in the treatment of new pollutants. General Secretary Xi Jinping has paid close attention to this topic for a long time: "It is timely to propose new pollutant treatment."

New ecological environment problems cannot be ignored. Light pollution, "white" pollution, marine plastic particles, coral reef damage, piece by piece pile is worrying.

At the same time, "there are still many old problems in the treatment of pollutants. Take the treatment of solid waste as an example, it is described that the city is poured into the village, and the village is poured into the road." The general secretary talked about the land heavy metal pollution and the sewage along the river from the garbage treatment, "we can't relax at any moment, and if we relax, we will leak. People have ecological awareness, but sometimes it is for the benefit. The law is in place, but how to enforce it and how to supervise it should be followed. "

General Secretary Xi Jinping said earnestly, "How can we solve these problems? It can't be said that if the old problems are not solved, the new problems can rest and relax. To solve the old problems is a top priority, but we should also pay attention to the new problems, and we must focus on them simultaneously."

The ecological environment pain point is also the breakthrough point of science and technology. "Environmental protection largely depends on science and technology." General Secretary Xi Jinping gave an example of new energy vehicles, enabling ecological environmental governance through science and technology. "What a great contribution to environmental protection!"

High quality development full of "green gold" is one of the tasks of the times to effectively transform scientific and technological innovation ability into new quality productivity. At the joint group meeting, the General Secretary clearly pointed out: "The trend and direction are right. If we speed up, there will be many policy incentives involved, which are under consideration and promotion." (Reporter Du Shangze)

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