On Monday, November 6, read the world for 60 seconds every day!

 On Monday, November 6, read the world for 60 seconds every day!

November 6, lunar September 23, Monday!

Here, 60 seconds a day to understand the world!

1. Central Meteorological Station: issued cold wave blue warning and snowstorm orange warning. The snowfall in Northeast China is extremely extreme, and the amount of rain and snow may break the historical extreme in the same period; Emergency Management Department: emergency rescue force shall be preset in advance in important places; Heilongjiang: upgrade the level III emergency response of major meteorological disasters (snowstorms) to level II;

Snowfall in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang (picture source: cfp)

2. The boy who was bitten by a dog in Shaoyang, Hunan has left the ICU: the cartilage in his right ear is partially missing, the dog who caused the accident has been "put to death", and the owner has already paid 20000 yuan, saying that he cannot afford to pay for his family's difficulties;

Incident place (source: network)

3. A villager in Ganluo County, Liangshan County, Sichuan Province was arrested for cutting 514 trees of his own house on suspicion of wanton cutting;

4. On the morning of the 5th, a woman in Dongyang, Zhejiang Province was stopped from crossing the marathon track. She rammed the police with an electric car and kicked them several times. The police reported that she had been taken criminal coercive measures according to law;

5. The domestic oil price will be lowered on November 7: topping up 50 liters of gasoline will save 4-4.5 yuan;

6. On the evening of the 5th, a car collided with several motorcycles and cars in Jieyang, Guangdong, causing 1 death and 9 injuries. The driver involved has been controlled by the police;

7. China and Qatar sign a big deal! Chairman of Sinopec: Qatar will provide us with 9 million tons of liquefied natural gas every year, equivalent to the annual output of a large gas field in China;

8. The outpatient and emergency department of pediatrics in many places has a peak: the average number of outpatient and emergency department visits is about 6000 per day, and the cross infection of influenza and mycoplasma has become the main problem;

9. The Korea Financial Supervisory Authority: will temporarily ban short selling of stocks from next Monday until next June, so that regulators can improve rules and systems;

10. The commander in chief of the Ukrainian army first admitted that the counter offensive against Russia was at an impasse, and Zerensky denied and publicly condemned his statement, which caused panic among Western allies; Foreign media: US and European officials and the Ukrainian government have discussed the "conditions for peace talks" with Russia;

11. Warren Buffett also lost: Berkshire suffered a huge loss of $24.1 billion in securities investment in the third quarter, mainly due to the decline of Apple's share price. Cash holdings reached 157.24 billion US dollars (about 1148 billion yuan), a new high;

12. The Israeli minister claimed that "a nuclear bomb can be dropped on Gaza", and the Prime Minister refuted and suspended his qualification to participate in the cabinet meeting; Tens of thousands of Americans poured into the streets of Washington, the capital, to protest: the fence of the White House was painted red against Israel's aid;

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (left) and Minister of Heritage Eliahu

13. Iranian intelligence department: arrest three Israeli Mossad agents who plan to launch suicide drones from the Afghan border to targets in Iran; Guinea's former military government leader was arrested after escaping from prison: he once violently suppressed the march and killed more than 150 people;

14. On the evening of the 4th local day, Israel bombed another refugee camp in Gaza, killing dozens of people. Palestine: Israeli troops fired white phosphorus bombs at Shati refugee camp in Gaza Strip. Israel has no response for the time being; Israeli media: Blinken argued with Arab countries about calling for a ceasefire, which the United States believes will help Hamas;

15. IDF: 4 hours will be provided on the 5th local day for Gaza civilians to evacuate along the designated route. And vowed to "eliminate" Hamas leaders in Gaza, "if Gazans find him before us, the war will be shortened";

The picture of Aviche Adrai, spokesman of the Arabic language media of the Israel Defense Forces, is from the Israeli Times

[Micro language] There will be regrets in life, but there is no need to turn back, because going back is a repeat of mistakes, and going forward is self healing.

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