Friday, November 3, read the world for 60 seconds every day!

 Friday, November 3, read the world for 60 seconds every day!

November 3, September 20 in the lunar calendar, Friday!

Here, 60 seconds a day to understand the world!

1. On the 2nd, Hyperbolic II rocket completed the first sub stage recovery test. Experts: get a reusable "entry ticket", which can be used for sub orbital tourism in the future;

2. Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China: By 2025, the complete humanoid robot products will reach the international advanced level; Mutual visa exemption between China and Kazakhstan took effect on November 10;

3. Ministry of Commerce: study and promote the rational reduction of the negative list of foreign capital access, and comprehensively cancel the restrictions on foreign capital access in the manufacturing sector; Four departments: bring "bamboo instead of plastic" products into the scope of government procurement support;

4. Beijing: There will be unified guidelines for real estate advertising, which shall not include the content of "buying a house can settle down", etc. The advertising spokesperson can only recommend used commercial houses; Kunming, Yunnan: from the 2nd, the purchase restriction of commercial housing will be lifted;

5. Webcast Weilai will lay off 10% - 20% of its staff. The official said that it was difficult to break the "curse of 20000 vehicles" due to the lack of relevant information; Master Kang announced that the price of drinks will rise by 0.5-1 yuan from November. The pricing of some supermarkets has already exceeded the suggested retail price;

Master Kang raised the price and went on a hot search. The notice circulated on the Internet showed that the retail price of several beverage terminals was suggested to be adjusted from November 1.

6. The twitter account of more than 4 million online celebrity Simba fans has been banned, and he once talked about the recent event of taking goods with Mousse on live broadcast;

7. On the afternoon of January 1, two elderly people in Nanzhang County, Xiangyang, Hubei Province were stabbed to death by a knife when they wrestled in the street. The police were involved in the investigation; Sichuan Xichang police found 4.46 million yuan as the original owner of the blackmail fund: no one claimed it for six months, and it will be turned over to the national treasury;

8. The US Canada warships sailed across the Taiwan Strait on the 1st, the eastern war zone: follow the surveillance throughout the whole process, and dispose according to laws and regulations;

9. US media: On the 1st local day, the US was forced to detonate the "Minuteman 3" intercontinental ballistic missile over the Pacific Ocean due to an unexpected exception during its test launch; The Myanmar military said that a strategic border town was out of control. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded: urge all parties to immediately cease fire and end the war;

According to the US Army's Star Spangled Banner on November 1, the US Air Force test fired a "Minuteman III" intercontinental ballistic missile that day, but was forced to detonate it over the Pacific Ocean due to unexpected abnormalities.

10. On the 2nd, Japan began the third round of about 7800 tons of nuclear contaminated water discharged into the sea, which is expected to last until the 20th, and the fourth round of sea discharge is expected to start at the beginning of 2024, with a total amount of about 31200 tons; US Media: The US Texas Energy Company leaked nearly 600 million liters of toxic wastewater in ten years, and the management of the regulatory system was disordered;

11. The Japanese government announced an economic stimulus plan of 17 trillion yen (about 113 billion dollars) to deal with domestic inflation and other economic problems; Foreign media: The anthrax outbreak in Zambia has resulted in 335 infections and 4 deaths;

12. Russian media: Ukraine admitted to losing 570000 weapons, including American "Stinger" and "Javelin". Military experts: at least half of the missing weapons entered the black market;

On December 28, 2022, Ukrainian soldiers demonstrated the anti tank missile system to children in the "Victory Weapons" interactive exhibition held in Lviv. (AFP)

13. On the 2nd local day, Bahrain announced the recall of its ambassador to Israel and the suspension of economic cooperation with Israel. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that relations with Bahrain were stable; US Ministry of Commerce: 13 entities from Russia and Uzbekistan are included in the export control list;

14. Israeli army: attacked an anti tank missile force in southern Lebanon on the 2nd. An Iranian militia arrived in southern Lebanon to assist Hezbollah in its fight. Lebanon Hezbollah denied; Deputy Prime Minister of Germany: Burning the Israeli flag and praising Hamas are criminal acts in Germany and may be expelled;

Robert Habak, Vice Premier and Minister of Economy and Climate Protection of the People's Republic of China, said that burning the Israeli flag and praising the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) was a criminal act in Germany. Those without German resident status or German citizenship may be deported if they commit such acts.

15. Palestinian media: On the 2nd, Israel attacked refugee camps in Gaza for the third day in a row, causing at least 29 deaths and dozens of injuries; UNICEF: Israeli air strikes have killed more than 3500 children and injured more than 6800 children, which means that on average, more than 400 children are injured or killed every day;

Israel launched a ground attack on Gaza. On November 1, Israeli armored vehicles drove through Gaza. Picture: Reuters

[Micro language] Age is just a symbol of years. I hope we all have the connotation matching it. It is the best gift for life to be naive, fearless, calm, or pure and live like ourselves!

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