On Wednesday, November 1, read the world for 60 seconds every day!

 On Wednesday, November 1, read the world for 60 seconds every day!

November 1, the 18th of September in the lunar calendar, Wednesday!

Here, 60 seconds a day to understand the world!

1. Ministry of National Security: hundreds of illegal meteorological observation stations transmit data to foreign countries in real time, distributed in more than 20 provinces; General Administration of Customs: As of today, entry-exit personnel are exempted from filling in health declaration cards;

Illegal meteorological observation equipment installed by an overseas enterprise

2. It is said online that a middle school student in Yongding District, Longyan City, Fujian Province was forced to eat feces by his classmates. The local education bureau has intervened. The school has provided psychological counseling. Police: If minors are involved, the details of the case will not be disclosed, and the persons involved will be dealt with according to law;

3. A child in Lingwu, Ningxia, fell into the septic tank of the community on the 31st: his grandfather and father died after entering the well one after another, and the child is being treated. Rescuing residents: A 3-meter ladder cannot reach the bottom of the pool. Property Manager: The lawn of the community where the incident occurred was not monitored;

4. A truck on Shandong Binzhou Expressway was charged 21000 yuan for rescue after it overturned. The driver complained that the truck would not be released until the trailer was less than 15 km long;

5. The new policy of Beijing provident fund: the implementation of "house purchase rather than commercial loan", the industry: Guangzhou, Shenzhen follow-up expectations are also strong;

6. Multi platform launch of the front desk real name system: guide the number of fans in batches to exceed 500000 We Media to display real name information;

7. Evergrande Real Estate: As of the end of September, the accumulated amount of matured debts involving unliquidated debts was about 280.83 billion yuan; Late at night on the 31st, Moutai announced a price increase: from November 1st, the ex factory prices of Feitian and Wuxing will increase by about 20% on average;

8. Taiwan media: On the morning of the 31st, several PLA warplanes and Shandong warships trained in the so-called "Southeast Emergency Zone" in Taiwan;

9. Foreign media: China's holdings of US debt fell to 805.4 billion US dollars, a 14 year low. Since the peak in 2013, China has decreased by 40% in 10 years; US media: NVIDIA may lose orders worth more than 5 billion US dollars because the US government has expanded restrictions on chip exports to China;

10. On the evening of the 31st, a magnitude 6.7 earthquake occurred off the coast of central Chile, with a focal depth of 20 km; On the 31st local day, a magnitude 5 earthquake occurred in South Horasan Province, Iran, and no casualties were reported at present; Another shipwreck in Nigeria has resulted in 18 deaths and more than 70 people missing;

11. Australia announced that it would give up its bid for the 2034 World Cup, and Saudi Arabia became the only country to submit a bid;

Australian Football Association official: We have decided not to bid for the 2034 World Cup. Today is the deadline for submission of the letter of intent for bidding. At present, only Saudi Arabia is bidding for the 2034 World Cup.

12. Japan plans to bury nuclear waste underground, and 300 experts jointly oppose: volcanic earthquakes occur frequently, and there is a risk of leakage; Canada: prohibit the use of WeChat by government mobile phones. China: firmly oppose;

Experts said, "In Japan, where the earth's crust is active, the disposal method of (burying nuclear waste) deep underground is not feasible, and the countermeasures should be discussed again."

13. US Defense Department officials: Since the new round of Palestinian Israeli conflict, the US military has been attacked 23 times in Iraq and Syria, causing 21 US soldiers to be injured; Foreign media: The United States is in contact with Hamas through Qatar;

14. The US House of Representatives postponed the consideration of "military aid to Ukraine". The Speaker of the House of Representatives: Israel's affairs need to be dealt with first; Assistant to President Uzbek: Zelensky felt betrayed by the West; Russia: It will simplify the investment procedures for investors from "friendly countries" in Russia, and 25 countries including China will be listed;

15. Lebanese media: On the 31st local day, Israel launched shelling and used white phosphorus bombs in the temporary border area between Lebanon and Israel. Hezbollah: attacked Israeli military targets; Yemeni Husei armed forces: use drones to attack cities in the south; Israel's air strike on the northern Gaza Strip on the 31st "completely destroyed" a refugee camp, resulting in 50 deaths and hundreds of injuries on the spot;

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