On Thursday, October 26, read the world for 60 seconds every day!

 On Thursday, October 26, read the world for 60 seconds every day!

October 26, September 12 in the lunar calendar, Thursday!

Here, 60 seconds a day to understand the world!

1. At 11:14 on October 26, Shen 17 aimed to launch, with Tang Hongbo, Tang Shengjie and Jiang Xinlin flying. The crew of the 16th Shenzhou crew returned home on October 31, and the astronauts of the 17th Shenzhou crew plan to return next April;

2. Ministry of Civil Affairs: basic information of more than 66 million low-income people has been collected, accounting for 4.7% of the total population of the country;

3. The arrangement of the 2024 Spring Festival holiday will be announced: there will be no holiday on the New Year's Eve, but there will be 8 days off from February 10 to 17; Ministry of Transport: From the New Year's Eve of 2024 to the eighth and ninth day of the first month, passenger cars will be free of charge;

4. A woman in Chengdu, Sichuan said that 150000 yuan of deposit was secretly changed to "purchase" by the salesperson. Chengdu Branch of Agricultural Bank of China: actually, it is to purchase time deposit products; A man in Shaanxi failed to get 7.7 million yuan for a project due to cancer in two years. Shanyang County Transportation Bureau in Shaanxi Province: no money really;

5. At noon on the 25th, a 4.0 earthquake hit Dunhua City, Yanbian Prefecture, Jilin Province; A 4.0 magnitude earthquake hit Minfeng County, Hotan Prefecture, Xinjiang, late at night on the 25th;

6. 60 kinds of medical consumables such as "cochlear implant" are included in the payment scope of Shanghai medical insurance, which is expected to reduce the burden of patients by 835 million yuan every year;

7. On the morning of 25th, the cement revetment of a power tower under construction in Tianshui, Gansu, collapsed, causing 4 people to be buried. The Emergency Department: 2 people were rescued and 2 people died;

▲ Rescue site

8. Nearly 700 students of Qingyuan No. 1 School in Guangdong dropped out of school collectively, and it was revealed that no teacher attended the class online. The Education Bureau: set up a working group to deal with it;

9. Lei Jun: Xiaomi Automobile is currently progressing very smoothly and will be officially launched in the first half of next year;

10. Hangzhou: the proportion of down payment for the first house in the restricted area is at least 25%, and that in the non restricted area is at least 20%;

11. Hong Kong's series of policies promote the property market: the applicable period of the additional stamp duty is reduced to 2 years, and the stamp duty on buyers and new residences is halved. Extend the maximum 30-year mortgage loan guarantee period in the secondary market to 50 years; Hong Kong: 20000 Hong Kong dollars will be distributed to each newborn baby born in Hong Kong;

12. On the 23rd, a shooting incident occurred in a border city in Canada, killing 5 people. Police: the shooting was caused by "violence between partners";

13. On the 24th local day, the Prime Minister of Iceland and tens of thousands of domestic women took part in a strike to protest the pay gap and gender violence, and called for equal pay for equal work and gender equality;

14. Dissatisfied with the statement made by UN Secretary General Guterres that "Hamas did not launch an attack out of thin air", Israel demanded his resignation, otherwise the UN would be unnecessary; Guterres responded: shocked by the misinterpretation of the speech! Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs: we must withdraw our remarks, reflect deeply and apologize;

15. In the early morning of the 25th local day, several Syrian military targets were attacked by Israel, resulting in 8 dead and 7 injured soldiers; US media: Israel plans to flood the underground tunnels in Gaza before the attack, giving up considering hostages; Foreign media: S&P downgraded Israel's credit rating outlook to "negative", and Finance Minister: alarmist;

[Micro language] There has never been a so-called miracle in the world, and the fate has always been in your own hands. If you want to change your destiny, the most important thing is to change yourself.

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