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sixteen sixteen seventeen seventeen eighteen eighteen nineteen nineteen twenty twenty twenty-one twenty-one twenty-two twenty-two
twenty-three twenty-three twenty-four twenty-four twenty-five twenty-five twenty-six twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-eight twenty-nine twenty-nine
thirty thirty one 01 two 02 three 03 four 04 five 05 six 06
marriage sacrifice Turn on light Pray for blessings Asking for an heir Travel Fire disassemble Earth moving Repair Entrance population Enter a house Migration Make bed Hang a plaque transaction To set up a certificate Planting Feeding livestock Encoffination Groundbreaking Spud in Interment
provoke bad influences Chonglong (Jiachen) Shabei
Peng Zu Baiji Geng Bujing Loom is empty Stop eating dogs and go to bed
Good luck and good trend Heavenly Grace Triad Pro Japanese Temporal yin Tiancang
Fierce and taboo Heavenly punishment
Fetal deity Dull mill lives in the northeast
God of Wealth

Xishen: Northwest

Fushen: Southwest

God of Wealth: Zhengdong

Arrangement of statutory holidays in 2024

festival time Off work in lieu Days
New Year's Day Leave on January 1, continuous with the weekend 3 days
Spring Festival February 10 - February 17 February 4 February 18 8 days
Qingming Festival April 4 - April 6 April 7th 3 days
labor day May 1-5 April 28 May 11 5 days
The Dragon Boat Festival Holiday on June 10, continuous with weekend 3 days
Mid-Autumn Festival September 15 September 17 September 14th 3 days
National Day October 1 - October 7 September 29 October 12 7 days
About the Perpetual Calendar

The perpetual calendar is a calendar that records the specific dates of the Gregorian calendar and the lunar calendar within a certain time range. The perpetual calendar is a calendar that records the specific dates of the Gregorian calendar and the lunar calendar within a certain time range (such as 100 years or more). Ten thousand years is just a symbol, indicating a large time span. The perpetual calendar is the oldest solar calendar in Chinese ancient legends. In order to commemorate the achievements of the compilers of the calendar for thousands of years, the calendar was named "Perpetual Calendar".

The Chinese calendar began more than 4000 years ago. The oracle bone calendar is the oldest kind of almanac in the world. The oracle bone calendar is also called the calendar. Calendar classification in calendar:

Lunar calendar: The lunar calendar, also known as the Tailunar calendar, is a calendar arranged according to the phase cycle of the moon. One month is the month when the moon goes around the earth, that is, the new moon is the basis for determining the calendar month, and one year is the calendar of twelve calendar months. One month of the lunar calendar is called "New Moon Watching". In the lunar calendar, when the moon changes from sunny to sunny at different times on the first day of the lunar calendar to the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar, you can only watch the new moon, regardless of the year of return. So it has nothing to do with the seasons.

Ganzhi Calendar: Also known as the solar calendar or the Chinese solar calendar, it is a calendar that uses 60 groups of different heavenly stems and earthly branches to mark the year, month, day and hour. It is mainly composed of four parts: the year, month, day and time of the trunk and branch periods. It governs both the year and the month, and has 24 solar terms.

lunar calendar: It belongs to the Yin Yang calendar, which is based on the summer calendar (lunar calendar) and absorbs the 24 solar terms of the Gan Zhi calendar as a supplementary calendar. Strictly speaking, the traditional calendar in China should not be called the lunar calendar, but the lunar and solar calendar. It is now called the "lunar calendar". The lunar calendar is a combination of the lunar and solar calendar, which covers the movement of the moon and the change of the sun's position.