
Is the real name of Hua Shaobei Liu Yan (introduction to personal information of Hua Shaobei, the main member of the Top 100 Up of Station b) - www. qqq. com


What are the high score animation films of Douban(

1. "Looking for Sichuan Gold with the Gan" Douban Shadow Rating: 9.4 Excerpt of lines: name

Yang Chao

Yang Chaoyue's

Nandu News Reporter Ma Le recently released the behind the scenes data of the variety show Supernova National Games,


Ancient game (5

For war games, most of our contacts may be Call of Duty or B

lead sb. astray

mislead and cause harm to the young men

I decided to set out to find you. You said you didn't want to come. You said you were not sociable, talked little, boring, and used to being alone.


Dress well

I know that people's hearts are not like trees, and why do people leave like flowers.  

go straight up

rapid advancement in one's career

You are my favorite. I am very happy when I hide it, and very proud when I show it off