
Shenzhen Heavy Investment Tianke Semiconductor

Third generation semiconductor technology, 6-inch silicon carbide single crystal substrate,

Shenzhen Heavy Investment Tianke Semiconductor Co., Ltd. is a high-tech company specializing in the research, development, production and sales of the third generation semiconductor silicon carbide (SiC) wafers

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Title: I don't allow you to drink. It's not that I don't allow you to drink. You can drink less. Drinking too much will hurt your health!

How to know whether the other party is online (know the setting of the other party's brushing the dither) _ Yidian


How to set the background picture of live dithering

Nisijun sent a tutorial of live broadcast of "Green Screen Cutting" two days ago. Some fan friends thought it was too fast


What is the advantage of more fans of dithering?

What's the benefit of more fans of dithering? Can we make money with more fans? What are the benefits

new people

How to write the title of the new person's live broadcast

A good title will promote the department's own live broadcast room, so how to get a good title for the live broadcast room? below


there is a crack to squeeze through

More than once I heard that "father love is like the sea", more than once I heard that "father love is like a mountain", more than once I heard that "father love is like a lamp", more than once I wanted to say that blessing does not need to be exaggerated, as long as it is intentional.


Feeling exhausted

Faith is not a product salesman who goes everywhere to find customers. It will never take the initiative to knock on your door—— Zhao Xinshan


generation after generation of descendants

Devote oneself to the task and die—— Zhuge Liang