Examination for Assistant Social Workers Chapter 13 of Social Work Practice Over the Years and Analysis _ CUHK Online School

Examination for Assistant Social Workers Chapter 13 of Social Work Practice

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Examination for assistant social workers Chapter 13 of Social Work Practice True questions and analysis over the years

The real exam questions for primary social workers are more important test aid materials for primary social worker candidates. What real exam questions are covered in each subject of the primary social worker exam? Which chapter is the real question distributed in? In response to these problems, the Social Workers Examination Network of CUHK Online School specially edited and sorted out the real questions and analysis of Chapter 13 of Social Work Practice, as follows:

1. (Question 56 in 2018) In the stable period of the disease, AIDS patients often face problems such as physical discomfort caused by the disease and treatment, and changes in their relations with family, friends and other social relations. In response to the above problems, social workers should take the following intervention measures:( )。

A. Strengthen the patient's psychological defense mechanism

B. Assess the patient's suicide risk

C. Establish a patient's family support network

D. Improve patients' self-care ability

Reference answer: C

Examination site: content of social work in the field of disease treatment

Reference analysis: For AIDS patients, social worker services include medical adaptation, disease cognition, psychological and emotional support, family support network and discharge care to provide comprehensive services for patients. In view of the problems faced by AIDS patients during the stable period of the disease, such as the physical discomfort caused by the disease and treatment, as well as the changes in their family, friends and other social relations, social workers should take the intervention measure of establishing the patient's family support network.

2. (Question 57 in 2019) Lao Jin was sent to the emergency department for treatment due to cerebral infarction. Xiao Zhao, a medical social worker, learned about Lao Jin's illness history, medical history, physical condition, life and family conditions in detail. The main purpose of Xiao Zhao's move is to help Lao Jin ().

A. Promote good doctor-patient relationship

B. Strive for more medical assistance

C. Get comprehensive support services

D. Get special medical care

Reference answer: C

Examination site: social work in the field of disease treatment

Reference analysis: One of the social work services in the emergency room is to assist and cooperate with medical staff. Social workers can take advantage of more opportunities and longer time to contact emergency patients and their families to learn more about the patient's family history, psychological and emotional status and other information. When medical staff need it, they can provide information as data to help patients obtain comprehensive supportive services.

3. (Question 79 in 2019) Lao Yan stayed in the mental health center, and the medical social workers were less than providing case services for him. After talking with Lao Yan and his family and making an estimate, it was less than the discovery. Lao Yan thought that his family sent him to the hospital to occupy his property, so he refused treatment and wanted to go home. Lao Yan's wife told him that Lao Yan often talked to himself and scolded others at home. In view of the above situation, Lao Yan's wife said that the service suitable for Lao Yan's family was (). (Multiple choice questions)

A. Introduce Lao Yan to social rehabilitation resources

B. Referral of Lao Yan to community rehabilitation institutions

C. Soothe the old and strict mood and promote their cooperation in treatment

D. Assist Lao Yan to understand and be familiar with the environment of the ward

E. Help Lao Yan's wife learn about mental illness

Reference answer: CE

Examination site: social work in the field of mental health

Reference analysis: The service content of social work in the field of mental health includes inpatients, families of psychotic patients, and community mental rehabilitation. This question examines the services provided to the clients and their families. Therefore, according to the needs of Lao Yan, inpatient adaptation services are needed. Option C is selected; For their families, they can carry out relief care pressure, obtain mental disease knowledge counseling and support services, and option E is elected. Since discharge and community rehabilitation were not mentioned in the question stem, ABD was not elected.

4. (Question 79 in 2020) Xiaoming's mother is a new member of the hospital's "Children's Parents Mutual Aid Group". When contacting Xiaoma, a medical social worker, he learned that Xiaoming was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment after suddenly fainting at school, and was later diagnosed with acute leukemia. Xiaoming's mother was anxious and afraid, and fell into panic, sadness and despair. In response to this situation, The correct way for pony is (). (Multiple choice questions)

A. Timely intervene in Xiaoming's mother's negative emotions

B. Negotiate Xiao Ming's clinical treatment plan with clinicians

C. Intervention of parent-child relationship between Xiaoming and his mother by family therapy

D. Mobilize members of the "Children's Parents Mutual Assistance Group" to provide psychological and emotional support for Xiaoming's mother

E. Encourage Xiaoming's mother to learn nursing and rehabilitation experience in the "Children's Parents Mutual Aid Group"

Reference answer: ADE

Examination site: common methods of social work in medical institutions and disease treatment

Reference analysis: the main contents of children's medical social work services:

(1) For children, medical social workers should help them adapt to the hospital environment and treatment process, reduce their fear of hospitals and treatment, adopt social work methods suitable for the physiological and psychological development stages of children, such as play therapy, art therapy, etc., establish good professional relations with children, and help them understand diseases Adapt to the treatment environment and alleviate the psychological and social adaptation problems caused by diseases.

(2) In contrast, the focus of medical social workers is to help individuals or the whole family recover from the disorder caused by disease, and adjust the function of the whole family to a normal state. Use case or group methods to help them deal with emotional problems, improve their ability to care for children, or use family therapy to deal with family relations. In addition, corresponding community resources can also be integrated to help caregivers reduce care or economic pressure, and build a social support system for children's families.

The ADE option reflects the needs of control clients and children for medical and social work services for children.

5. (Question 79 in 2017) Uncle Zhang has suffered from diabetes for many years. The doctor instructed him to visit the hospital regularly and strengthen diet control. But on the one hand, Uncle Zhang is afraid of aggravating diabetes, and on the other hand, he is unwilling to change his existing lifestyle. My wife refused to listen to her persuasion. In desperation, the wife turned to social worker Xiao Lin for help. After evaluation, Xiao Lin decided to improve the treatment compliance of Uncle Zhang. At this time, Xiao Lin's appropriate practices include () (multiple choice questions)

A. Contact community doctors to provide regular follow-up services

B. Encourage the wife to strengthen the diet control of Uncle Zhang

C. A diabetes health lecture was held in Mr. Zhang's community

D. Invite Uncle Zhang to participate in the support group activities of diabetic friends

E. Encourage Uncle Zhang to control blood sugar level through more exercise

Reference answer: BCDE

Examination site: common methods of social work in medical institutions and disease treatment

Reference analysis: The consultation of social workers on compliance treatment for patients includes four different stages: evaluating and defining the problem of compliance treatment; Formulate treatment plan; Promoting behavior change; Maintain patient compliance. Among them, the following three methods can be tried to promote behavior change: one is to promote behavior change. Social workers can help patients change their past behaviors by helping them transform "treatment goals into behavior goals", "encouraging patients to use self-management methods", and "teaching patients to prevent high-risk situations"; Second, activate social support, strengthen and expand the internal and external support network of patients' families; The third is to promote family members to share responsibilities, such as encouraging family members to share their emotions to strengthen emotional support. The skills of maintaining compliance include: teaching how to deal with mistakes; Follow up patients, provide support at any time, etc. Options B, C, D and E belong to the content of improving treatment compliance, so they are selected.

6. (Question 79 in 2018) Lao An was sent to the hospital due to a sudden cerebral hemorrhage. Fortunately, he was rescued in time. After hospitalization, his condition improved significantly, and the doctor agreed to discharge him. At this time, the social workers' preparations for the discharge of Lao An include( )。 (Multiple choice questions)

A. Reviewing literature and formulating community rehabilitation programs for Lao'an

B. Link relevant rehabilitation resources to help Lao An obtain community rehabilitation services

C. Evaluate the situation of Lao An and reduce the risks that Lao An may face after discharge

D. To reduce the burden of doctors and provide consultation services for Lao'an on treatment plans

E. Help Lao'an family members to link community resources, so that Lao'an can receive follow-up care in a timely manner

Reference answer: CE

Examination site: common methods of social work in medical institutions and disease treatment

Reference analysis: Lao An was sent to the hospital due to a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, which is an emergency. The main methods of social work in emergency room include crisis intervention, discharge preparation service, psychosocial assessment, and counseling service. In the discharge preparation service, because the emergency room provides short-term medical services, patients who need further specialized treatment, long-term recuperation or can be discharged back home often face many problems in the process of hospital transfer, which requires medical social workers to assist patients in the preparation of hospital transfer by using the principle of case management, It can enable patients to obtain continuous care and eliminate possible risk accidents when they are transferred out of hospital. Therefore, the CE option is selected.

7. (Question 57 in 2020) Under the concept of "great health", "post hospital stage" is an important work link in the process of medical social work services. Some severe patients with COVID-19 will be troubled when they enter the community rehabilitation stage after completing the "in hospital" treatment. The former traumatic treatment and isolation state make them appear serious psychological shadow and even depression tendency during the rehabilitation period. For such patients, the first thing medical social workers should do is( )。

A. Try to persuade patients to accept the rehabilitation plan

B. Guide patients to choose other rehabilitation programs

C. Guide the patients' emotions and improve their compliance with the rehabilitation plan

D. Reconstruct the patient's cognition and confront their wrong ideas

Reference answer: C

Examination site: common methods of social work in medical institutions and disease treatment

Reference analysis: case management is a service method for service objects who are in multiple problems and need multiple helpers to intervene at the same time. It is a process of helping service objects to identify the services they need and link them to personal and community resources that can help them. Its purpose is to improve the quality of care for special groups and control the cost of care. The practical operation steps include receiving the case and establishing the relationship, evaluating, formulating the intervention plan, implementing the intervention plan, evaluating and ending the relationship. It mainly includes case management in terms of psychosocial assessment, stress management and treatment compliance.

The successful management of chronic diseases depends on patients' compliance with the treatment plan and the degree of responsibility for their own diseases. Promoting patients' compliance with treatment has become an important service provided by medical social workers for patients with chronic diseases. The so-called "compliance" refers to the degree to which the patient's behavior is carried out according to the doctor's orders. It is based on the "cognitive behavioral theory", which believes that all human behaviors are learned. When patients are willing to change their behaviors and obtain good results through changing their behaviors, it is easy to eliminate bad behaviors. On the contrary, when the subjective desire is not strong, or there are difficulties and dissatisfaction in the process of changing behavior, the new change cannot be well adhered to.

8. (Question 53 in 2021) Social workers are less than supporting groups for patients after rectal cancer surgery. In the group process, less than inviting the rehabilitation person to introduce the method of successfully going through the initial stage after surgery to the postoperative patient. The main purpose of less than this is to help patients( )。

A. Relieve tension and anxiety

B. Explore disease coping strategies

C. Establish social support network

D. Promote scientific health awareness

Reference answer: B

Examination site: common methods of social work in medical institutions and disease treatment

Reference analysis: Group work emphasizes the influence of group process and group dynamics on the attitude and behavior of members. Hospital group work can be divided into education group, growth group, support group, psychotherapy group, task group, etc. according to the needs of patients. Among them, the support group composed of people with the same problem or experience has become more and more popular with patients in recent years. The support group is characterized by sharing experience, knowledge and skills, exploring disease coping strategies, and dealing with negative emotions. Patients or family caregivers suffering from the same disease can relieve negative emotions and enhance confidence in facing the disease through the information, suggestions, encouragement and emotional support provided by team members. The role of support groups is based on social network theory and social support theory. Through group activities and the guidance of medical social workers, we can promote positive interaction and contact among team members, and form a group with support and self-help functions according to the different problems of team members. These group work played a role in helping patients to enhance their confidence in disease resistance.

Social workers invite the rehabilitation patients to introduce the methods to the postoperative patients to successfully pass the initial stage after surgery, highlighting the sharing of knowledge and methods, which belongs to the exploration of disease coping strategies. The C option is selected. Options A and C do not match the meaning of the question, and option D does not belong to the main purpose of the support group.

9. (Question 57 in 2021) The doctor-patient relationship is a hot topic of social concern. Good doctor-patient mutual assistance can improve the doctor-patient relationship. In order to improve the doctor-patient relationship, the social work department of a hospital organized a group activity involving medical staff and patients. During the group work process, the contents that can be arranged around the training of doctor-patient communication skills are( )。

A. Improve patients' ability to control diseases

B. Ask patients to feedback their learning feelings in the group

C. Help group members practice "clarification", "repetition" and other skills

D. Ask medical staff to provide patients with knowledge about disease diagnosis and treatment

Reference answer: C

Examination site: common methods of social work in medical institutions and disease treatment

Reference analysis: share the basic principles and skills of improving communication ability with medical staff and patients. Medical social workers can guide the medical team to develop doctor-patient interaction in a cooperative communication direction. These communication skills include "clarification", "repetition" and "providing specific guidance". For example, how to express their needs and feelings to medical staff; How to listen to and ask questions of medical staff; Share successful communication cases among team members; You can also improve your communication skills through role playing.

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(Editor in charge: editor of CUHK)

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