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WordPress Guide

WordPress Introduction, Basic Knowledge, Guide

How to clear browser cache files

When we deal with website problems, we are often prompted to clear the browser cache first. For novices, it is rare to take the initiative to clear the browser cache when surfing the Internet. But when you encounter that the website content is not updated when building a website, you should do this. In this article, Lao Wei will explain what is browser caching and the principle of browser caching, and teach you how to use the common main

Talk again about the benefits of using CDN for websites

In his blog, Lao Wei often mentioned that there are many advantages to set up a CDN for a website, such as speeding up the website and preventing malicious attacks. In related articles, does ECS still use CDN acceleration? What website needs CDN? It is estimated that some people may not believe it when they see it, and may not follow my instructions (or be too lazy to do it) when they believe it. So today, Old Wei will take

Disable the wp cron scheduled task and panel override of WordPress

The wp cron scheduled task of WordPress will be checked and executed when the user visits the page, which will consume a certain amount of host performance and extend the page opening time. This article mainly explains what wp cron is, how to disable the wp cron scheduled task, and how to add alternative functions after disabling it. What is wp cron determination

PbootCMS website moving records

Recently, I helped the website move. I met a non WordPress website. I looked at the background of the website. This CMS is called PbootCMS, which is a domestic CMS website building program. It's the first time I met you, so make a record. Sqlite database PbootCMS comes with a website management background and a set of responsive templates

Write down the problem that WordPress database cannot be linked

Just now, Lao Wei received a message from a netizen that the website of Wei Aisi's notes could not be opened. When he quickly opened the website, he saw that it was true, and the English prompt that the database could not be linked was displayed: Error establishing a database connection. I haven't updated the website content for a while, so I put the solution process

Still putting the Sliders carousel on the home page? Why oppose the rolling chart and opinions

Netizens asked: How to add rolling product pictures on the home page of foreign trade stations? It is also a popular picture module in China more than 10 years ago. Old Wei was also fascinated by this effect in his early years, and also used it on early websites. However, I gradually found some drawbacks later, so I have time to summarize and share them today. Why does Lao Wei now oppose the use of rotating pictures as product displays

It's great to create a free WordPress website with one click of TasteWP for testing!

In the early days of using WordPress, our domestic users wanted to test themes and plug-ins for free, but could not find free space. Today, Lao Wei shared a very useful online WordPress website: TasteWP. There is no need to build a local environment, nor to pay for domain names and hosts. There is no complicated environment configuration process, just need to use Ta

What are the differences between Memcached and Redis? Which cache is more suitable for WordPress?

Memcached and Redis are two different WordPress caching mechanisms. Weiss Notes have also introduced how to install, use, and pay attention to WordPress in the pagoda panel and WordPress before. If you are interested, please see the following related articles. The mistake and correct way of installing memcached on the pagoda panel

How does Bing webmaster platform generate API keys in one click to actively submit website URLs?

If you want your website to be quickly included in Bing's search, you can apply for a Bing API key in addition to submitting a website map on Bing's platform, which will be automatically submitted to Bing when you publish articles. The effect will be better. 1. Log in to the Bing webmaster platform, click the gear icon (setting button) in the upper right corner, and click "API Access" in the drop-down menu. 2. Click API key

Is personal blog an interactive website? Blogs that cannot leave messages are not interactive websites?

If you build a website in mainland China, you must face the ICP website filing and online security filing. There is a required item during the filing period. Select whether the website you want to file is interactive or non interactive. For many webmasters in this regard, they don't know what is an interactive website, and is personal blog an interactive website? Is a blog with no message function an interactive website? Hand in