WordPress knowledge sharing
3 articles in total

Label: RiPro-V2 Theme

TB Member plug-in and RiPro-V2 theme comparison to build a virtual resource trading station

The TB Member transaction plug-in and the RiPro-V2 theme are both WordPress programs that help online virtual resource transactions. Last time Weieis shared the TB Member transaction plug-in in his notes, he did not pay attention to the price. After seeing the price, netizens complained that it was too expensive. So today, Lao Wei will compare TB Memb

Ripro v2 Theme Installation and Use Detailed Graphic Tutorial

Ripro v2 theme is a WordPress virtual goods trading theme, so this theme is very different from the DUX theme of Weieis notes. It is good to upload and enable ordinary WordPress themes. Ripro v2 themes may face a series of problems after uploading. Old Wei met many novices and Xiaobai who asked me for help

RiPro-V2 Theme Setting Detailed Graphic Text Tutorial

The RiPro-V2 theme is a great virtual product trade theme. Home page drag layout, advanced filtering, built-in member ecosystem, and super full payment interface. You need both functions and styles. This article is the detailed operation steps of RiPro-V2 theme setting. 1. RiPro-V2 theme functions and featured resources/material themes, without plug-ins