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Label: 5M bandwidth, 4-core, 16G

On January 25, Tencent ECS hit the mark with 5M bandwidth, 2 cores, 4G, 3027 yuan/3 years. The options in Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing are slow!

The last day of Tencent ECS Seckill finally came. On the morning of January 25, the hot spot was 5M bandwidth, 2-core, 4G memory, 3027 yuan/3 years. This has been a popular model for a long time. The details are shared on Weieis blog below. 1. 5M bandwidth, 2-core, 4G memory, 3027.78 yuan/3 years. There is nothing to say about it. It has always been the most successful

On January 12, Tencent ECS hit the mark with 5M bandwidth of 4 cores, 16G 4359 yuan/3 years, 5M bandwidth of 8 cores, 32G 7858 yuan/3 years, 1M bandwidth of 1 core, 1G 168 yuan/1 year

As of January 12, Tencent's cloud servers had a second kill. Popular servers included 5M bandwidth, 4-core, 16G memory, and 4359 yuan/3 years; 5M bandwidth, 8 cores, 32G memory, 7858 yuan/3 years; 1M bandwidth, 1 core, 1G memory, 168 yuan/year. 5M bandwidth, 4 cores, 16G memory, 4359 yuan/3 years configuration model can be used for memory consuming business to make

On January 10, Tencent ECS hit the mark with 5M bandwidth, 4-core 16G 4359 yuan/3 years, 2M bandwidth, 2-core 4G 2298 yuan/3 years, 1M bandwidth, 1-core 1G 168 yuan/1 year

On January 10, Tencent's ECS Secospace was launched. Today's focus is 5M bandwidth, 4-core, 16G memory, 4359 yuan/3 years; 2M bandwidth, 2 cores, 4G memory, 2298 yuan/3 years; 1M bandwidth, 1 core, 1G memory, 168 yuan/year. 5M bandwidth, 4 cores, 16G memory, 4359 yuan/3 years. This is a model with a CPU memory ratio of 1:4

On January 5, Tencent ECS hit the mark with 5M bandwidth, 4-core 16G 4359 yuan/3 years, 2M bandwidth, 2-core 4G 2298.78 yuan/3 years, 1M bandwidth, 1-core 1G 168 yuan/1 year

As of January 5, the focus of Tencent ECS was still on 5M bandwidth, 4-core 16G, 4359 yuan/3 years; 2M bandwidth, 2-core 4G, 2298.78 yuan/3 years; 1M bandwidth, 1 core, 1G, 168 yuan/year. Alibaba Cloud's activities over there have already ended, and this Tencent Cloud is still in high gear. To be honest, in Mr. Wei's opinion, the nature of Tencent's cloud products

Tencent ECS killed on December 31, 2M bandwidth, 2 cores, 4G 2298 yuan/3 years, 5M bandwidth, 4 cores, 16G 4359 yuan/3 years, 1M bandwidth, 1 core, 1G 168 yuan/1 year

The second kill of Tencent ECS lasted until December 31, the last day of 2018. Today's focus is 2M bandwidth, 2-core, 4G memory, 2298 yuan/3 years; 5M bandwidth, 4 cores, 16G memory, 4359 yuan/3 years; 1M bandwidth, 1 core, 1G memory, 168 yuan/year. 2M bandwidth, 2 cores, 4G memory, 2298 yuan/3 years. It will be shared equally to 7

Tencent Cloud's dual 12 servers killed 22 seconds in the afternoon, 2M bandwidth, 2 cores, 8G 2134 yuan/3 years, 5M bandwidth, 4 cores, 16G 2421 yuan, 1M bandwidth, 1 core, 1G 168 yuan

Tencent Cloud's double 12 servers reached their deadline on the afternoon of the 22nd, focusing on 2M bandwidth, 2 cores, 8G, 2134 yuan/3 years; 5M bandwidth, 4 cores, 16G, 2421 yuan/year; 1M bandwidth, 1 core, 1G, 168 yuan/year. This afternoon, it was really interesting. The main thing was the introduction of the standard S2 server with 2M bandwidth, 2 cores and 8G memory

Tencent Cloud's dual 12 servers hit 9:00~12:00 on the 20th. 2M bandwidth 2-core 4G 2298 yuan/3 years, 5M4 core 16G 4359 yuan/3 years, 1M bandwidth 1-core 1G 168 yuan/1 year

The second kill of Tencent Cloud's dual 12 servers lasted until December 20. From 9:00 to 12:00 in the morning, the focus was 2M bandwidth, 2-core 4G, 2298 yuan/3 years; 5M bandwidth, 4 cores, 16G, 4359 yuan/3 years; 1M bandwidth, 1 core, 1G, 168 yuan/year. The most cost-effective server this morning is 2M bandwidth, 2-core, 4G, 2298 yuan/3 years

Tencent Cloud's dual 12 servers kill 5M bandwidth, 4 cores, 16G 2421 yuan/year, 2M bandwidth, 8 cores, 16G 6313 yuan/year, 1M bandwidth, 1 core, 1G 168 yuan/year

On December 19, Tencent Cloud's double 12 servers were killed. Today's hot spot is 2M bandwidth, 8 cores, 16G, 6313.50 yuan/3 years; 5M bandwidth, 4 cores, 16G, 2421 yuan/year; 1M bandwidth, 1 core, 1G, 168 yuan/year. 2M bandwidth, 8 cores, 16G, 6313.50 yuan/3 years, only available in Chengdu. Cheap price and quantity

Alibaba Cloud dual 12 preferential 4-core 16G ECS 5M bandwidth 3090 yuan/year 3M bandwidth 2890 yuan/year

The 4-core 16G server in Alibaba Cloud's Double 12 Special offers has several new bandwidth configurations. It includes 5M bandwidth for 3 years and 1 year, and 3M bandwidth for 3 years and 1 year. These models with different configurations are added according to the specific needs of users. In this article, Weieis Blog explains the configuration of these models in detail to help people quickly find better services that meet their needs