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Label: 4-core 8G5M bandwidth

The last day of Alibaba Cloud's dual 11 campaign: 2-core 8G5M bandwidth: 2070 yuan/3-year 4-core 8G5M bandwidth: 5370 yuan/3-year 8-core 16G10M bandwidth: 16170 yuan/3-year miss: another year

Today is November 12, the last day of Alibaba Cloud's Double 11 campaign in 2018. During this period, the popular 2-core 8G5M bandwidth, 4-core 8G5M bandwidth, and 8-core 16G10M bandwidth on Alibaba Cloud's Double 11 campaign network have been sold extremely hot. This model with such high cost performance ratio is unprecedented. Whether there will be any doubt later. This article introduces these three popular accessories