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Label: Alibaba Cloud Hi Pintuan

On February 11, 2019, Alibaba Cloud Server returned to the market and continued 1 core 1G1M 563 yuan/3 years, 2 cores 4g5M 1112 yuan/3 years, 2 cores 8g5M 1140 yuan/3 years

The 2019 Double 11 AliCloud event ended yesterday, but AliCloud returned to the market and continued to provide a lot of popular models with cost performance, which is worth buying. In view of different models, configurations, bandwidth, and purchase requirements, Wei continued to share Alibaba Cloud's return activities with everyone as usual. If you miss Alibaba Cloud's rush purchase of Double 11, then

Alibaba Cloud Hi Group 1-core 2G Hong Kong 719 yuan/3 years 2-core 1G T6 148 yuan/year 2-core 4G exclusive 939 yuan/year

Alibaba Cloud Hi Group Campaign started. It's cheaper to buy the virtual machine at a price as low as 148 yuan/year. Alibaba Cloud servers have stable performance and extremely fast network speed, attracting many users. Alibaba Cloud servers have corresponding configurations for different industries, including website building, e-commerce, program trading, AI big data, Internet of Things applications and other needs. yes...