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Label: AliCloud ECS pay as you go

What is the difference between monthly and pay as you go ECS packages and how to choose them?

When purchasing Alibaba Cloud servers, many people will find that there are several payment methods for Alibaba Cloud servers, including pay as you go and monthly package. ECS instances corresponding to different billing methods have different functions. Only by understanding these concepts can you choose the most appropriate payment method. Monthly package and pay as you go 1. Monthly package is a prepaid model

The difference and choice between monthly and pay as you go ECS packages

There are two payment methods when purchasing AliCloud servers: monthly subscription and pay as you go. Different billing methods correspond to different business needs, in order not to waste server resources and save costs on the cloud. I hope you can find out the relationship through the content of this article and choose your own payment method. 1、 Annual/monthly subscription: prepaid, pay first and then use. Monthly subscription