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Label: AliCloud APP filing

Alibaba Cloud APP upload data and authenticity verification process

Alibaba Cloud APP upload data and authenticity verification has the effect of convenient, fast, cost saving and trouble saving. It supports one-time upload of filing data and authenticity verification by the person in charge of the website, which can be submitted to the Administration for review as soon as the same day, shortening the time for website filing and improving the filing efficiency. I mentioned the AliCloud APP filing function before. In order to help everyone improve the filing efficiency, Weiasibo

Alibaba Cloud APP Filing Function Introduction

Alibaba Cloud APP filing is a scientific and technological achievement with the development of technology. Through Alibaba Cloud app face recognition, you can easily submit websites for filing, save a lot of review time, and improve the efficiency of filing. In order to facilitate rapid filing, Weieis Blog shares relevant knowledge and experience. The Alibaba Cloud filing announcement mentioned that since July 15, 2019, users