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Label: AliCloud 2-core 8G5M

Alibaba Cloud servers hit the market in November. One core, 1G 538 yuan/three years, one core, 2G 1000 yuan/three years, two cores, 8G5M 3000 yuan/three years, eight cores, 16G8M 10000 yuan/three years

Alibaba Cloud servers will be snapped up at a limited time discount in November 2019, followed by a continuous discount in August, September and October. One core, one gigabyte of memory, and one megabyte of bandwidth will cost 538 yuan/3 years; One core, 2G memory, 1M bandwidth, 1000 yuan/3 years; 2-core 8G memory 5M bandwidth, 3000 yuan/3 years, 8-core 16G memory 8M bandwidth, 10000 yuan/3 years. Old Wei