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Label: Alibaba Cloud Express Beauty Station

How does Xiaobai build a website from scratch

How does Xiaobai build a website from scratch? The enterprise website has long been recognized as a must. While enterprise users are often novices in website construction, it is not easy to build a website by themselves through software. For novices who build websites with zero infrastructure, there are two methods: self building and platform building. The following Weieis notes introduce in detail

What are the differences between Alibaba Cloud Express and Mito enterprise website building systems and how to choose them?

Someone asked what is the difference between Alibaba Cloud Express and Mito's enterprise website building system, and how to choose it? These two kinds of website building systems belong to template website building. One is AliCloud's website building, and the other is Mituo website building products developed by different companies. Their design philosophy is towards visual editing, and their operation ideas are basically the same. In this article, Lao Wei will see

Common ways to build corporate websites and how to deploy corporate websites

The benefits of the company's website building are now in the Internet era. Many enterprises pay attention to the Internet and conduct display and marketing through the company's website. The company website has the following advantages: the company website is the external publicity window of the company; Display the company image; Dig potential customers, even if they don't clinch a deal now, they will learn about it through the website in the future; Promote products. Company Site Creation

How to add new products/product categories/product lists to Alibaba Cloud Express Beauty Station?

How to add new products to Alibaba Cloud Express Beauty Station? Previously, we successfully resolved the domain name, bound the domain name, and selected the website template. Now we need to add new categories and products to the website. Weieis Blog shares relevant knowledge points for everyone to build a website. Alibaba Cloud Express beauty site introduction requires technical knowledge. It can also build websites on a zero basis. 1000 sets of beautiful website templates are preset

One click binding and domain name resolution of Alibaba Cloud Express Beauty Station

If a domain name is purchased in Alibaba Cloud, it is easy to add a domain name in the express beauty station. It only needs one click to resolve. In this article, Weiaisi Blog explains the process of one click binding and domain name resolution of Alibaba Cloud Express Beauty Station. As mentioned earlier, the process of manually binding and resolving domain names on Alibaba Cloud Express Beauty Station is mainly due to the fact that the domain name management authority is not placed on Alibaba Cloud, so it needs to be added manually

Tutorial on manual binding and resolution of domain names on Alibaba Cloud Express beauty site

The manual binding and domain name resolution of Alibaba Cloud Express Beauty Station is not complicated, and is similar to the common domain name resolution binding. Resolution is the process of domain name pointing to the website. After successful resolution, you can access through the official domain name. Those who buy Alibaba Cloud Express Beauty Station are new students and have no experience in such operations. Weieis Blog shares the relevant operation process for you. Related article: AliCloud Speed

Time limited purchase of Alibaba Cloud Express Beauty Station: 10% discount in the first year for SSL security certificate construction experts to customize the choice of corporate websites

The limited time purchase activity of Alibaba Cloud Express Beauty Station started. For the first year, 10% discount will be given to SSL security certificates. The website building experts will customize and enjoy the success. Alibaba Cloud space is a standard configuration. It requires no technology. It can type and build websites. One site has: PC station+mobile station+public account+applet. Alibaba Cloud Express Station is an online website building system officially launched by Alibaba Cloud, with thousands of built-in templates

What is the difference between Alibaba Cloud's official website and Alibaba Cloud's express beauty website? How to choose?

How about building an Alibaba Cloud official website? Which is better, Alibaba Cloud's official website or Cloud Speed Chengmei Station? Both enterprises and companies need an official website for external display and operation. Whether the official website built can attract customers, how beautiful the page is, whether it can let customers see the company's professional level, let customers find valuable content, and so on, all of these important information will ultimately be through the enterprise website

One thousand sets of exquisite industry templates covering hundreds of industries are available on the enterprise website in one hour

Alibaba officially launched the Cloud · Instant Website business, which is suitable for individuals, start-ups, small and micro enterprises to choose cost-effective websites. You can build your own website without technology. Built in exquisite website building templates and thousands of industry templates, covering hundreds of industries, quickly launching in one hour, standard configuration of AliCloud space, no technology required, typing can build websites, select templates, simple modification, network