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3 articles in total

Label: Alibaba Cloud Computing Network Enhanced Instance

What's the difference between 100% exclusive resources of Alibaba Cloud Server and 100% CPU performance? How to choose?

What's the difference between 100% exclusive resources of Alibaba Cloud Server and 100% CPU performance? How to choose? Some netizens often ask such questions because they are not clear about the meaning of the two 100%, and some friends will confuse them and think that 100% is the same. In fact, Weieis Blog wants to tell you that there are still differences between these two statements. This article will go into details

Alibaba Cloud t5 instance with burst performance should be carefully used for long-term site establishment and Windows remote desktop

AliCloud cloud computing for all currently includes entry-level configurations (burst performance t5 instances) and performance balancing configurations (shared n4 instances and computing network enhanced instances). The price difference between the lowest entry-level configuration and the lowest performance balancing configuration is about 100 yuan. For cloud servers, this gap is huge, which means that there is also such a big difference in performance

What is the difference between Alibaba Cloud's nationwide cloud computing burst performance t5 instance, shared basic xn4 instance and computing network enhanced instance? How to choose?

There are three types of AliCloud ECS in AliCloud cloud computing: AliCloud burst performance t5 instance, shared basic xn4 instance and computing network enhanced instance. Many friends will wonder when they see these complex terms. How do you understand these types? How to choose? Today Weieis Blog will analyze it and tell you