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Label: AliCloud exclusive cloud virtual host

How to choose AliCloud shared and exclusive cloud virtual hosts?

In Alibaba Cloud's virtual machine products, there are two cloud virtual machines with the same price. One is Alibaba Cloud's shared virtual machine, and the other is Alibaba Cloud's exclusive virtual machine. The price is 298 yuan/year, so how to choose these two hosts? In this article, Weieis Blog will tell you how to choose. Relevant knowledge: AliCloud exclusive cloud virtual host, shared cloud virtual machine

AliCloud's exclusive cloud virtual machine, shared cloud virtual machine and ECS

Alibaba Cloud Server is an ECS platform with a large number of users in China and good stability and security. When Alibaba Cloud purchases space, virtual machines and ECS are common. Let's talk about the difference between Alibaba Cloud exclusive cloud virtual machine, shared cloud virtual machine, and Alibaba Cloud server ECS. AliCloud virtual hosts are divided into exclusive cloud virtual hosts and