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Label: AliCloud domain name

Alibaba Cloud domain names are transferred in at a special price every Wednesday COM does not need domain name preference code

Check out your mood every Wednesday and come to Alibaba Cloud's domain name. Maybe you will feel better. Alibaba Cloud transfers its special price to the. com domain name every Wednesday. The rules are as follows: First, click me to get Alibaba Cloud lucky vouchers. There are different discounts for all Alibaba Cloud products. How to use it is shown here>>AliCloud lucky coupon collection, usage rules and FAQs

Alibaba Cloud domain names can be purchased at a discount of 50% at the beginning of 2018

It's a great success to start 2018, and we present the Alibaba Cloud domain name procurement season, wishing you good luck in the Year of the Dog! March 1-31:. cn English domain name special price for the first year is 13 yuan (single order registration ≥ 5) Com English domain name is as low as 39 yuan in the first year (single order registration ≥ 5) Xin Header