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Label: Alibaba Cloud Double 12 Special

Alibaba Cloud Dual 12 Preferential GPU ECS 5M bandwidth 8-core 32G 40G SSD disk excellent computing performance for AI scenarios

Alibaba Cloud has specially offered a GPU ECS with 5M bandwidth, 8 cores, 32G memory and 40G SSD disk. This configuration has excellent computing performance and is suitable for AI scenarios. Next, Weieis Blog explains this model in detail, hoping to help you choose the right model. 1、 Active configuration CPU memory ratio is 1:4, Intel X

The truth of Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud's double 11 double 12 promotions and how to choose

Previously, Alibaba Cloud launched a promotional campaign for Double 11 in 2018, which made a lot of noise. Here, Tencent Cloud did not want to be lonely. In November, it promoted for a month, and five second killing activities every day brought many user groups. Then Alibaba Cloud launched promotional activities on the Double 12, and Tencent Cloud did not let it catch up with the whole month's promotional activities immediately. Anyway, these two

Alibaba Cloud dual 12 preferential 8-core 16G ECS 10M bandwidth 16327 yuan/3 years 5790 yuan/1 year 5M bandwidth 11012 yuan/3 years 3990 yuan/1 year

The 8-core 16G ECS with high configuration in Alibaba Cloud's dual 12 special offers has two new models of 5M bandwidth and 10M bandwidth. At the same time, the price has also changed accordingly. In order to let you know about these changed activity information as soon as possible, Weieis Blog records the activity content and shares it with you. This model generally gives hundreds of thousands of PV visits or even millions of visits every day

Alibaba Cloud dual 12 preferential 4-core 8G ECS 5M bandwidth 5768 yuan/3 years 2090 yuan/1 year 3M bandwidth 5216 yuan/3 years 1890 yuan/1 year

Alibaba Cloud's Double 12 special offer adds different bandwidth models of 4-core 8G ECS, of which the price of 5M bandwidth is 5768 yuan/year and 2090 yuan/year; The price of 3M bandwidth is 5216 yuan/year and 1890 yuan/year. Many friends said they could not understand the difference and connection between these four configurations. Weieis blog recorded the content of this article and shared

Alibaba Cloud Dual 12 Exclusive 2-core 4G Server 2160 yuan/3 years 720 yuan/1 year

Alibaba Cloud's dual 12 preferential and exclusive 2-core 4G server adds 2160 yuan/3 years of configuration. The longer the configuration is, the cheaper the price will be. In order to give the maximum benefits to users during the event, Alibaba Cloud has also reduced its profit points and released new promotional messages every day. 1、 The double 12 preferential 2-core 4G ECS specification is based on the previous annual payment of 720 yuan

Alibaba Cloud dual 12 preferential 2-core 8G server 5M bandwidth 4636.8 yuan/3 years 1680 yuan/1 year 3M bandwidth 4140 yuan/3 years 1500 yuan/1 year

Alibaba Cloud Double 12 offers add new ones. At present, Alibaba Cloud officially has the following two core 8G servers. 5M bandwidth and 3M bandwidth have different payment methods of one year and three years respectively, and there are four different products in total. As the activities continue to deepen, Alibaba Cloud has more and more ways to play. One model can play four different games, which should meet the requirements

Alibaba Cloud Dual 12 Preferential 1M Bandwidth 1-Core 1G ECS Pay 708 yuan per year 277 yuan per year 100% unlimited CPU performance

Alibaba Cloud dual 12 offers add new instances, share basic xn4 instances, 1M bandwidth, 1-core 1G ECS, 40G cloud disk, CPU 100% unlimited performance, 708 yuan for three years, 277 yuan for each year. Compared with the price of national cloud computing, it is much cheaper. And this kind of opportunity is only once a year, interested friends can pay attention to a wave, hand

Alibaba Cloud dual 12 preferential 4-core 8G ECS pays 1890 yuan per year for 3M bandwidth and 2090 yuan per year for 5M bandwidth. Configuration performance and how to choose

Among Alibaba Cloud's dual 12 offers, 4-core 8G ECS is more eye-catching, including 3M bandwidth and 5M bandwidth. This configuration is suitable for businesses and websites with more than 100000 traffic. It has really attracted many users, who are very interested in this, but don't know much about it. In this article, Weieis Blog will record the configuration, performance and selection in detail. 1、

Alibaba Cloud Dual 12 Special Exclusive 2-core 4G Cloud Server Annual Payment 720 yuan Optional Hong Kong Machine Room Configuration Performance and Cost Performance

On the third day of Alibaba Cloud's Double 12 special offer, today we launched an exclusive 2-core 4G cloud server, with an annual payment of 720 yuan and an optional Hong Kong machine room. In terms of configuration and price, it's not too cost-effective. Why on earth is it suitable? The following Weieis blog will explain in detail, and anyone who needs such a host can also have a look. 1、 Ali

Alibaba Cloud dual 12 preferential lightweight application server 3M bandwidth, 1-core, 1G SSD disk, annual payment of 350 yuan for Hong Kong computer room, applicable to the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises

Alibaba Cloud's Double 12 preferential activities are in full swing. Among the cloud products that have been launched, Weieis Blog has found a lightweight application server, which is particularly cost-effective in terms of configuration price and time. For those who have plans to purchase ECS recently, this is a good time to start. In order to understand the specific situation more clearly, this article will describe this in detail

Alibaba Cloud dual 12 preferential 2-core 8G ECS SSD disk 3M bandwidth 1500 yuan/year 5M bandwidth 1680 yuan/year 100% exclusive resource configuration performance analysis and how to choose

The 2018 Alibaba Cloud Double 12 Special Offer highlights two core 8G ECS, SSD hard disk, 3M bandwidth of 1500 yuan/year, and 5M bandwidth of 1680 yuan/year, all models with 100% exclusive resources. The difference lies in the different bandwidth. In this article, Weieis Blog analyzes the performance of these two configurations in detail and how to choose them. 1、 The model is configured with 2-core 8G

In 2018, Alibaba Cloud's double 12 discount is as low as 20% for 3M bandwidth, 2-core 8G ECS, 1500 yuan for 5M bandwidth, 1680 yuan for 3M bandwidth, and 1890 yuan for 4-core 8G bandwidth. Hong Kong nodes are optional

The 2018 Alibaba Cloud Double 12 Special Event is coming! Continuing the crazy buying scene of Alibaba Cloud's Double 11 event, this Double 12 event did not engage in group competition or team competition, but provided substantial discounts. The first time I learned about the details of the special offer, Weieis Blog briefly described the content of the activity in this article. 1、 Special offer for new members, as low as 20% off for cloud products, such as ginseng