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Label: Alibaba Cloud Double 11

Thoughts on Alibaba Cloud's Double 11 Campaign in 2018 and suggestions on purchasing virtual machines

After more than 10 days of frantic buying, the 2018 Alibaba Cloud Double 11 Campaign finally ended. This is the first year for Weiaisi Blog to participate in Alibaba Cloud's Double 11 event, and also to re understand the charm of Alibaba Cloud products. In these days, I have a lot of feelings. Through contacting many new users, I have also found some problems and ideas. I share them with you through this article. I hope to give you

The last day of Alibaba Cloud's dual 11 campaign: 2-core 8G5M bandwidth: 2070 yuan/3-year 4-core 8G5M bandwidth: 5370 yuan/3-year 8-core 16G10M bandwidth: 16170 yuan/3-year miss: another year

Today is November 12, the last day of Alibaba Cloud's Double 11 campaign in 2018. During this period, the popular 2-core 8G5M bandwidth, 4-core 8G5M bandwidth, and 8-core 16G10M bandwidth on Alibaba Cloud's Double 11 campaign network have been sold extremely hot. This model with such high cost performance ratio is unprecedented. Whether there will be any doubt later. This article introduces these three popular accessories

From the Alibaba Cloud Double 11 Campaign to 24:00 on November 11, 10 buyers will be randomly selected for free. The maximum amount of free will be 1111 yuan. We can't wait to come quickly

For new users of Alibaba Cloud's Double 11 Campaign, the last wave of boarding opportunities is as low as 99.5 yuan/year for virtual machines. Today's rewards are increased. From 11:00 on November 11 to 24:00 on November 11, 10 random buyers will be free of charge every hour, with the maximum amount of free of charge of 1111 yuan! Time waits for no man. Come and collect quickly. All you have to do is click on the link of Weieis blog above

Alibaba Cloud's dual 11 combo 5M bandwidth 4-core 8G ECS worth 5370 yuan/3 years is slow to make money!

Alibaba Cloud has launched a new blockbuster model: 5M bandwidth 4-core 8G ECS for 5370 yuan/3 years. This is an instance model of computing network enhanced sn1ne, and 100% system resources are exclusive. The last day of the Double 11 is left tomorrow. In order to share more valuable preferential information, Weieis Blog wrote down the details of this configuration for

Alibaba Cloud's Double 11 Group has made an explosion of 5M bandwidth, 4-core, 8G enterprise class ECS for 5370 yuan/3 years, only 200 servers are left!

On the ninth day of Alibaba Cloud's "Double 11" campaign, Alibaba Cloud launched a 5M bandwidth 4-core 8G enterprise class ECS in the afternoon. The price of the campaign is 5370 yuan/3 years, and there are only 200 units left. If you are interested in the campaign, you can start quickly, but you can't! 1、 Where can I find the official puzzle address of this configuration: click me to go straight to the position shown by the arrow below to

Alibaba Cloud's double 11 group sales of 5M bandwidth, 2-core, 8G, 2070 yuan/3 years' ECS inventory is not fast, fast and slow

Alibaba Cloud's "Double 11" campaign exploded with 5M bandwidth, 2-core, 8G, 2070 yuan/3 years of ECS inventory surplus is running out, so friends who need this product should hurry up and grab it quickly! Just now, Weiaisi Blog received a message from Alibaba Cloud's official administrator. As mentioned above, Alibaba Cloud launched this ECS product during the Double 11 Festival because of its configuration performance in all aspects