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3 articles in total

Label: AliCloud shared basic xn4

Can Alibaba Cloud share basic xn4 servers build blogs?

Can Alibaba Cloud share basic xn4 servers build blogs? Group friends want to set up personal blogs. Having seen Alibaba Cloud's basic shared xn4 server, they don't know whether it is suitable or not. Next, Weieis Blog will analyze the configuration of Alibaba Cloud's basic shared xn4 server and whether it is suitable or not to set up personal websites and blogs from scratch. 1. AliCloud

Alibaba Cloud shared basic xn4 instance details and usage suggestions

AliCloud shared basic xn4 instance is a common ECS specification in AliCloud servers. Alibaba Cloud servers are divided into many different types according to the configuration requirements. Sharing basic xn4 instances is the most basic one. Because the classification and naming methods of Alibaba Cloud servers are difficult to understand, many friends often ask what is the basic Alibaba Cloud sharing model

What is the difference between Alibaba Cloud's nationwide cloud computing burst performance t5 instance, shared basic xn4 instance and computing network enhanced instance? How to choose?

There are three types of AliCloud ECS in AliCloud cloud computing: AliCloud burst performance t5 instance, shared basic xn4 instance and computing network enhanced instance. Many friends will wonder when they see these complex terms. How do you understand these types? How to choose? Today Weieis Blog will analyze it and tell you