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3 articles in total

Label: Alibaba Cloud Shared Instance

Summary, difference and selection of different host instance types of Alibaba Cloud Server?

For novices, the name of the server type has always been a "mystery", a puzzle. When Weiaisi Blog first came into contact with Alibaba Cloud, when faced with so many different types of server names, it was a crash in my heart. I'm just a little white. You give me so many names to listen to, let alone know the difference. You also need to take different business scenarios and these instance types

What's the difference between 100% exclusive resources of Alibaba Cloud Server and 100% CPU performance? How to choose?

What's the difference between 100% exclusive resources of Alibaba Cloud Server and 100% CPU performance? How to choose? Some netizens often ask such questions because they are not clear about the meaning of the two 100%, and some friends will confuse them and think that 100% is the same. In fact, Weieis Blog wants to tell you that there are still differences between these two statements. This article will go into details

What is the difference between Alibaba Cloud shared and Tencent Cloud standard S2 servers? How to choose?

What is the difference between Tencent Cloud's standard S2 instance and Alibaba Cloud's shared server? How to choose? The two leading cloud product merchants in China: Tencent Cloud and Alibaba Cloud. Who will you choose when these two families encounter? First, you need to know the differences between the configurations of these two models, and then you can choose one that is suitable for your own use. The following Weieis Blog focuses on configuration, price