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Label: AliCloud All People Cloud Computing Server

Summary of Alibaba Cloud Server Cloud Product Offerings in March 2020

In March 2020, there are more Alibaba Cloud promotional activities than in February. At present, Alibaba Cloud servers have the following activities: Alibaba Cloud purchase season promotional activities, Alibaba Cloud Cloud small station ECS 1% off, 2% off in February, limited time grab, 3% off in February, 10% off in enterprise class high-performance ECS, and 30% off in three years for all cloud computing. The following

Is AliCloud's all people cloud computing server cost-effective? How to choose?

Is AliCloud's servers for all people's cloud computing cost-effective? How to choose? Such questions are often asked. Because I can't understand the ECS and Alibaba Cloud products, I dare not start even if I know that the price of the nationwide cloud computing activity is super cost-effective and the cost performance ratio is high. I'm afraid I can't choose the right server for myself, and it's troublesome to choose the wrong server. In this article, Weieis Blog answers this question in detail

AliCloud's cloud computing server for all is reduced to 323 yuan/year, and 2M bandwidth access is added

Alibaba Cloud's cloud computing server for all is a measure of Alibaba Cloud's benefit to netizens, presenting the cloud server, a previously high cloud computing project, in a lower profile. At the end of April, Alibaba Cloud National Cloud Computing silently adjusted the fees of this series of cloud servers. AliCloud National Cloud Computing Server 2 is reduced to 323 yuan/