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Label: Alibaba Cloud discount

2022 Alibaba Cloud Spring Promotion: 1 core, 2G, 38 yuan/year, 2 cores, 2G, 99 yuan/year

The 2022 Alibaba Cloud Spring Promotion promotional activity started, providing 100 popular cloud products, exclusive servers for newcomers and exclusive servers for enterprises, with high cost performance. 1. In the purchasing season, the new people's meeting place mainly provides popular products. Alibaba Cloud shared n4 servers with a selection of ECS 1 core, 2G memory, and 1M bandwidth are priced at 38 yuan/year to facilitate easy cloud deployment. calculation...

For new Alibaba Cloud users who purchase for the first time, the discount can be reduced by up to 5000 for every 1000 minus 50

Alibaba Cloud quietly launched the summer full reduction activity. Today, while wandering around Alibaba Cloud's background, Weiaisi Blog accidentally found that new registered users had their first deal. For every 1000 yuan full, 50 yuan will be reduced. This kind of 1000 yuan order usually appears on the annual package order. New registered users who need it should not miss it. It's a money saving opportunity! Access from this address can only enjoy full

Alibaba Cloud 1-core CPU 1G memory 1M bandwidth 40G hard disk annual payment 330 yuan

Alibaba Cloud is one of the most powerful domestic providers of ECS, cloud database, cloud object storage and other products and services based on IDC and websites. At present, only Tencent Cloud can compete with Alibaba Cloud. In recent years, Alibaba Cloud has continuously launched low-cost activities with its own strength, seizing the market with hardware resources and prices, and driving domestic services every time