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Label: Alibaba Cloud promotional activities

Summary and detailed interpretation of Alibaba Cloud preferential activities in April 2020

In April 2020, Alibaba Cloud's promotional activities have been greatly adjusted. Compared with the previous ones, a batch of long-term promotional activities, such as long running cloud computing for all people and high-performance enterprise cloud servers, have been canceled, and new promotional activities have been added. Alibaba Cloud has adjusted more promotional activities for the cloud demand of enterprise users and individual users. In order to select the promotional activities that are suitable for you, Old Wei put 4

How are new Alibaba Cloud users counted? What kind of users can participate in Alibaba Cloud promotional activities?

When purchasing Alibaba Cloud products, we will find that Alibaba Cloud has launched many promotional activities, but we will find that almost all activities are limited to new users. Then many people (with existing accounts) quickly go to sign up for new accounts before buying. The page prompts that they are not new users. How does Alibaba Cloud identify whether you are a new user? What are the bases for this, Follow Old Wei

Detailed introduction to preferential activities for server cloud products in the 2020 Alibaba Cloud purchase season

After the 2020 Alibaba Cloud procurement season starts on March 2, you will find that the activities are extremely extensive, including nearly 100 cloud products such as cloud servers, cloud databases, object storage, cloud security products, domain names and intellectual property rights, and enterprise applications. A branch venue is also allocated for each cloud product. This will give users a dazzled feeling, and they don't know when to attend when there are many branch venues

What are the characteristics of Alibaba Cloud promotional activities? How to choose?

Users who often pay attention to Alibaba Cloud will find that Alibaba Cloud has made a lot of concessions in terms of promotional activities. According to big data statistics, Alibaba Cloud has launched cloud computing activity products suitable for everyone's needs in many aspects, such as different user scenarios. The advantage is that it can make profits and promote sales, which greatly enriches everyone's choice. But one thing is that some users don't know how to choose because there are too many activities. Old Wei

On November 11, 2019, Alibaba Cloud must buy a group of recommended new users 1, buy at a discount and wait another year!

Alibaba Cloud must buy recommendations for the 2019 Double 11 campaign. The annual Double 11 event is not only conducted by e-commerce, but also by Alibaba Cloud. It will bring you more affordable and cost-effective cloud computing products, and users will get more benefits and win-win results! The following list is a recommendation for Alibaba Cloud Group to close this year. The more you try, the more affordable it will be. Products include ECS, cloud database, SMS package, OS

How to select servers for Alibaba Cloud's August September sales limited time event?

From August 6, 2019, Alibaba Cloud launched a time limited event for best sellers. Yesterday, Wei Aisi's blog had introduced the content of this activity, so many friends came to ask Old Wei: How to choose so many servers, so many models, so many configurations? Old Wei will analyze these configurations in detail to help everyone quickly choose the right configuration for themselves

Does Alibaba Cloud Server have any promotional activities during the Spring Festival?

Does Alibaba Cloud Server have any promotional activities during the Spring Festival? The Spring Festival of the Year of the Pig in 2018 is coming, and many friends have not taken the express bus of Double 11 and Double 12 preferential servers before. They are wondering whether there will be some special offers during the Spring Festival, so they can pick up a cheap server with high cost performance. So Weiaisi Blog tells you that there are really cost-effective cloud servers, clouds