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Label: AliCloud coupon

What are AliCloud vouchers/delivery vouchers/stored value cards/coupons? What's the difference?

In the expense center on the AliCloud console, you can see the card and voucher management on the left navigation bar. There are several categories: vouchers, delivery vouchers, stored value cards, and coupons. What are these vouchers and what is their use? Listen to Lao Wei. First, the AliCloud Help Center has an official explanation. You can go to the corresponding introduction page to learn about it. You can click me to go directly to Alibaba Cloud officials

Still looking for AliCloud coupons and lucky coupons? Now it's renamed AliCloud voucher!

Recently, some netizens asked Wei where he could find AliCloud coupons and AliCloud lucky coupons? Old Wei was stunned when he asked. It has been a long time since coupons and lucky tickets have disappeared. Now they have changed their name to AliCloud vouchers. In view of the lack of timely information transmission and many netizens who have such problems, Weiaisi Blog uses this article to clarify AliCloud coupons and AliCloud luck