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Label: Alibaba Cloud product discount

Summary of Alibaba Cloud long-term promotional activities

Alibaba Cloud is the largest cloud service provider in China and is famous for its stability, speed and good after-sales service. The Weiaisi blog has collected the preferential product information of Alibaba Cloud's long-term activities on this page for the convenience of friends in need. Get the AliCloud 1000 yuan voucher exclusive to this blog, and you can get 50 yuan for 100 products. The information on this page is updated irregularly.

Alibaba Cloud Global Node Analysis and Server Region Selection Strategy

When Alibaba Cloud first came out a few years ago, there were only a few domestic nodes. This year, it has rapidly developed many overseas nodes, and the total number of nodes has reached 15. Then the question arises. For our users, what is the difference between so many data nodes? How should we choose? How can I get the best deal? Related article: Alibaba Cloud Server China