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Label: AliCloud Cloud Website

Summary and detailed interpretation of Alibaba Cloud preferential activities in April 2020

In April 2020, Alibaba Cloud's promotional activities have been greatly adjusted. Compared with the previous ones, a batch of long-term promotional activities, such as long running cloud computing for all people and high-performance enterprise cloud servers, have been canceled, and new promotional activities have been added. Alibaba Cloud has adjusted more promotional activities for the cloud demand of enterprise users and individual users. In order to select the promotional activities that are suitable for you, Old Wei put 4

Are there any preferential activities for Alibaba Cloud Server during the 2020 Spring Festival?

Are there any preferential activities for Alibaba Cloud Server during the 2020 Spring Festival? Recently, many friends are looking for suitable ECS. Alibaba Cloud usually has a lot of activities, especially after the end of the "Double 11" and "Double 12" shopping sprees. At this time, if you can have a cost-effective server, it will be very popular. Considering that users need to use ECS during the Spring Festival

What are the characteristics of Alibaba Cloud promotional activities? How to choose?

Users who often pay attention to Alibaba Cloud will find that Alibaba Cloud has made a lot of concessions in terms of promotional activities. According to big data statistics, cloud computing activity products suitable for everyone's needs will be launched for different user scenarios and other aspects. The advantage is that it can make profits and promote sales, which greatly enriches everyone's choice. But one thing is that some users don't know how to choose because there are too many activities. Old Wei

What is AliCloud Cloud Xiaozhan? Preferential price for new users and old users

What is the AliCloud small station? Alibaba Cloud's cloud site is a preferential activity page provided by Alibaba Cloud for new and old users, which includes new user vouchers, old user preferential cloud products, latest activities and other information. Old Wei introduced the history and details of the cloud station and shared the latest Alibaba Cloud discount information with everyone. 1、 Exclusive voucher point: I get a 2000 yuan voucher