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2 articles in total

Label: Alibaba Cloud Essential

Summary and details of Alibaba Cloud Server promotional activities in May 2020

Alibaba Cloud has always launched various preferential activities focusing on ECS according to user scenarios with different needs. There have always been many Alibaba Cloud promotional activities, and each activity targets different directions and groups. This article focuses on Alibaba Cloud's popular promotional activities and details. In May 2020, Alibaba Cloud's popular promotional activities, cloud sites, I go directly to the cloud

Summary and detailed interpretation of Alibaba Cloud preferential activities in April 2020

In April 2020, Alibaba Cloud's promotional activities have been greatly adjusted. Compared with the previous ones, a batch of long-term promotional activities, such as long running cloud computing for all people and high-performance enterprise cloud servers, have been canceled, and new promotional activities have been added. Alibaba Cloud has adjusted more promotional activities for the cloud demand of enterprise users and individual users. In order to select the promotional activities that are suitable for you, Old Wei put 4