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3 articles in total

Label: Compute Network Enhanced Instance

Is AliCloud's all people cloud computing server cost-effective? How to choose?

Is AliCloud's servers for all people's cloud computing cost-effective? How to choose? Such questions are often asked. Because I can't understand the ECS and Alibaba Cloud products, I dare not start even if I know that the price of the nationwide cloud computing activity is super cost-effective and the cost performance ratio is high. I'm afraid I can't choose the right server for myself, and it's troublesome to choose the wrong server. In this article, Weieis Blog answers this question in detail

How to choose different configurations/models of AliCloud servers?

I believe many friends will be confused for some time when they first contact AliCloud servers, because there are so many different types of AliCloud servers. Each type is divided into many different configurations and different names, such as burst performance t5 instances, shared computing n4 instances, and computing network enhanced sn1ne instances. The corresponding configurations of each instance are also different. The model comes with a

Alibaba Cloud Enterprise Class Performance ECS Time Limited Special 2 Discount Single User Limit Four Units

Alibaba Cloud's enterprise class performance ECS has always been a high-performance computing network ECS. Because the enterprise cloud requires no errors, it needs to choose ECS support with higher computing network performance. As we approach the Double 11 and the Double 12, Alibaba Cloud enterprise ECS has also started a consistent discount activity. This year's discount is even stronger, reaching an astonishing 2