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Label: Tencent Cloud lightweight worry free plan

Tencent Cloud lightweight application server experience purchased by Tencent Cloud lightweight worry free plan

Tencent Cloud lightweight worry free plan can purchase Tencent Cloud lightweight application server at an ultra-low price: one core 2G memory 4M configuration and two core 4G memory 6M server. The two lightweight servers of the lightweight worry free plan are characterized by large bandwidth, redundancy in everything they do, and fast opening speed. Let's see if Lao Wei is suitable. Take the configuration of 1 core 2G memory 4M as an example

Tencent Cloud lightweight worry free plan, new and old users enjoy the same renewal for life at the same price

Tencent Cloud lightweight worry free plan launched three privileges as follows: 1. Same price for new and old users: new and old users enjoy the same discount, and the lightweight application server starts at 18 yuan/month. 2. Same price for renewal: promise that the purchasing user will enjoy the same price for renewal as the new purchase for life. 3. Free domain name: free one year top-level domain name and long-term renewal discount. Click me to go to the lightweight worry free plan activity