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Label: Tencent Cloud Standard SA1 Server

What is the difference in configuration performance between Alibaba Cloud shared s6 server and Tencent Cloud standard SA1 server? How to choose?

Alibaba Cloud's shared s6 server is a shared server that Alibaba Cloud has been promoting since the end of 2019, and it is also a representative work of entry-level servers. Tencent Cloud's standard SA1 server is the first AMD server launched by Tencent Cloud, and it is also an official entry level model. So when users encounter these two servers at the same time, how to choose? C...

How much is the 50G cloud disk configuration model of Tencent cloud 1-core 1G server? How to choose?

How much is the 50G cloud disk configuration model of Tencent cloud 1-core 1G server? How to choose? The optional models of Tencent Cloud's 1-core 1G memory ECS include standard S2/SA1/S4. Students who first contact Tencent Cloud will be confused. How should I choose so many different models? Which is better? In order to answer questions for new students