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Label: Tencent Cloud Standard S5 Server

Introduction to Tencent Cloud standard SA2, S3, S4, S5, lightweight application entry-level server

Most users and webmasters use Tencent Cloud entry-level servers. The so-called entry-level cloud servers are Tencent Cloud servers in the initial stage of business. They are configured with one core 2G, that is, a single core processor+2GB memory+50G efficient cloud disk+1M bandwidth, to meet the needs of most websites, programs, and applications. WeiAiSi notes www.vpss.net through

What is the difference between Tencent Cloud standard S5 and Alibaba Cloud computing C5 server and which is better

Tencent Cloud Standard S5 is the representative model of Tencent Cloud Standard, providing balanced computing, memory and network resources, which can meet the application resource requirements in most scenarios. Alibaba Cloud Computing C5 is the last generation of enterprise x86 computing servers. The difference between the two servers is not very big, because someone asked about it, so Lao Wei took it out to share