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Label: Tencent Cloud Standard S3 Server

Tencent Cloud Standard s3 Server Exclusive 100% CPU Performance Evaluation and Price Information

Tencent cloud standard s3 server is the main model of this 618 year campaign. Its hardware is configured with a new Skylake processor with powerful CPU, DDR4 memory, and memory bandwidth supports up to 10Gbps. In the 618 campaign, Tencent cloud standard s3 server costs only 95 yuan/year and 288 yuan/year for 1 core 2G. 2 cores 4

Introduction to Tencent Cloud standard SA2, S3, S4, S5, lightweight application entry-level server

Most users and webmasters use Tencent Cloud entry-level servers. The so-called entry-level cloud servers are Tencent Cloud servers in the initial stage of business. They are configured with one core 2G, that is, a single core processor+2GB memory+50G efficient cloud disk+1M bandwidth, to meet the needs of most websites, programs, and applications. WeiAiSi notes www.vpss.net through